Bash start up script

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^ Overview and Purpose

The Linux Documentation Project offers several excellent Unix and Linux reference materials. In particular Advanced Shell Scripting guide by Mendel Cooper shares some of the more powerful coding and utilities features of Unix and Unix-like systems. Link to Mendel Cooper's guide here, and link to a sub-topic of shell aliases also here:

Over some years Neela Nurseries site contributor Ted has gathered some handy shell configuration code into a file named ``. Started initially as a script to provide directory or path bookmarking, this open source shell project now includes a few more simple shell configuration pieces to aid in programming and client use git tasks. The project is hosted at As of 2021-11-22 there is code clean up needed here, especially in the function which attempts to set two environment variables used by `ssh-add` and `ssh-agent`, programs who in turn provide git user credentials to remote git account servers.

Today Ted adding notes on limits of shell aliases, which are detailed at the second bulleted link above. Having some trouble with an alias that attempts to remove a non-existent file. From this a QUESTION: will a shell alias comprised of two or more sequential commands exit early when one command fails?

^ 2020-11-02

On most Linux systems with bash installed, a regular user home directory contains a .bashrc start up script with some default configurations. Whether this is present or not, the following lines of code may / should be added to .bashrc to source the separate directory bookmarking script. Note if .bashrc already present then the first line of code excerpt 1 should not be added again nor in the middle of .bashrc:

Code excerpt 1:


# This file test well-suited for Gitbash environment, where Windows desktop is often
# point from which an effective bash instance is started:
if [ -e $HOME/Desktop/ ]; then
    . $HOME/Desktop/

# Alternately on most Linux systems bash amendments script may be installed in
# given user's ${HOME} directory, so test this way in such cases:
if [ -e $HOME/ ]; then
    . $HOME/

# --- EOF ---

Stash and copy point for recent script versions:

^ 2021-08-04 directory bookmark script

For convenience of copy and paste, script from home with md5sum b2b6a2d2e6160e88b577bd6b06012bea This version adds two Zephyr project related environment variables:


##  FILE:  .bashrc-amendments, also named
##  LAST TOUCHED:  2017-12-14 THU
##  DESCRIPTION:  short script to amend Debian and Ubuntu and or
##    Bourne shell run-time config file, normally named '.bashrc'.
##    Adds directory book-marking for up to thirty directories -- or
##    file system paths -- making these accessible by means of
##    three- and four- character aliases of the form 'gdnn' where
##    nn is an integer in the range 1 to 30.
##    To enjoy directory bookmark aliases in this file, in a bash
##    command line environment, the user may source this file by
##    hand,
##    $ .
##    or alternately for convenience a given user may amend their
##    .login or .bashrc start-up script to include a line which
##    does the same sourcing of this file.

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

##   (1) When this script is called with no arguments, it reads a run-
##     time config file to determine which group of file-stored,
##     bookmarked paths to read into shell variables and to make readily
##     accessible via path navigation aliases.  If the run-time config
##     is not found the shell creates it and populates it with its
##     identifier '1' for the first group among 1..9 supported groups
##     of path (also referred to as directory) bookmarks.
##   (2) When this script is called with a first argument in the range
##     1..9, a single character number representation, the script
##     writes this number to its run-time config file, and uses this
##     number to choose among groups of saved paths written to the
##     given user's dot-bashrc-amendments stored path files.  If not
##     called with a valid bookmarks group id, this script falls back
##     to doing the tasks in (1)
##  TO DO:
##    [ ]  add to this script function which detects and shows
##         the script's own aliases, and another function(s) to
##         allow user to change aliases, e.g. in event that alias
##         conflicts with a locally installed command,
##    [ ]  add to this script the ability to open arbitrary text
##         file containing bookmarked paths, and to show it without
##         replacing present bookmarks,
##    [ ]  add to this script a function to show bookmarks it
##         holds and status of whether each given bookmark exists
##         as a valid path on the local file system,
##    [ ]  2017-12-02 - add parameters sanity check to routine 'read_bookmarks_file',
##    [ ]  2017-12-02 - add settings file to store latest selected group of bookmarks,
##    [ ]  2017-12-02 - make sure that variable 'index' is visible in 
##         the scope of the script which sets the alias 'sp' which
##         saves bookmarked paths,
##    See 'The Linux Documentation Project' at
##    * . . . [, [[ ]], (( )) - builtin test,
##         extended test, arithmetic test in bash context
##    *     . . . note shell 'shift' parameters operator
##    *   . . . $1 $2 are first parameters to shell functions
##    *
##    *
##    *
##    Ted Havelka,

##  SECTION - script variables of directory-bookmarker project



# echo "\$SCRIPT_NAME assigned value of \${0} and holds ${SCRIPT_NAME},"

## 2018-07-13 - added by Ted:





# Directory Book Marker watermark, for sane $PATH amendments:

# . . .

# Shell variable used in 'sp' alias to save bookmarked paths:

## 2017-12-02 - How are these variables used? - TMH


##  SECTION - script functions

function show_aliases_in_this_script()
## 2017-12-02 NEED - Contributor Ted noting that following command will
##  show all script lines, including comments and commented out
##  commands (which are also comments), which this function's name
##  does not indicate.  NEED to fix this or rename this function . . .

    $(GREP) -n alias $0

function set_aliases()
##  PURPOSE: . . .

#    echo "setting some shell safety and shortcut aliases . . ."

## Some important shell safe-guarding aliases for Unix and Linux systems:

    alias rm='rm -i'
    alias cp='cp -i'
    alias mv='mv -i'

# list files in long format starting from a cleared screen:
    alias lss='clear; ls -lF'

# list directories only in long format:
    alias dls='ls -l | grep "^d"'

# run custom Remote UPtime script:
    alias rup='${HOME}/bin/rup'

# . . .
    alias cvs='cvs -d ${HOME}/cvs -e /usr/bin/vi'

# Shell shortcuts to cd to local oft used directories:

    alias archive='cd ${HOME}/archive; echo "Now at `pwd`" '
    alias bin='cd ${HOME}/bin; echo "Now at `pwd`" '
    alias notes='cd ${HOME}/notes; echo "Now at `pwd`" '

# 2012-01-25

    alias xterm='xterm -bg black -fg white -geometry 108x36'
    alias x='xterm -bg black -fg white -geometry 115x36 &'

# NOTE 2017-12-02 - xlock command generally not available on last
#  three years' Debian and Ubuntu software package mirrors.  Related
#  command 'xscreensaver-command -lock' is installable . . .

    alias xlock='/usr/bin/xlock -mode scooter -count 100'

    alias restore-path-var='. ${HOME}/ restore-path-variable'

} # end function set_aliases()

function set_aliases_for_bookmarking()

#    echo "setting aliases for bookmarking of paths . . ."

    alias cb='echo "active directory bookmarks group presently set to group ${bookmarks_group_id},"'

# STEP:  create aliases for saving paths and returning to paths

# setting of bookmarks 1 through 10:

    alias sd1='export D1=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D1 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd2='export D2=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D2 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd3='export D3=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D3 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd4='export D4=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D4 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd5='export D5=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D5 to `pwd`" '

    alias sd6='export D6=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D6 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd7='export D7=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D7 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd8='export D8=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D8 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd9='export D9=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D9 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd10='export D10=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D10 to `pwd`" '

# setting of bookmarks 11 through 20:

    alias sd11='export D11=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D11 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd12='export D12=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D12 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd13='export D13=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D13 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd14='export D14=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D14 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd15='export D15=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D15 to `pwd`" '

    alias sd16='export D16=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D16 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd17='export D17=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D17 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd18='export D18=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D18 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd19='export D19=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D19 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd20='export D20=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D20 to `pwd`" '

# setting of bookmarks 21 through 30:

    alias sd21='export D21=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D21 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd22='export D22=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D22 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd23='export D23=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D23 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd24='export D24=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D24 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd25='export D25=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D25 to `pwd`" '

    alias sd26='export D26=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D26 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd27='export D27=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D27 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd28='export D28=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D28 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd29='export D29=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D29 to `pwd`" '
    alias sd30='export D30=`pwd`; echo "Set variable D30 to `pwd`" '

#    echo "- TEST - setting alias SD31 . . ."
    alias sd31='echo "Doh, thirty one bookmarks not supported!"'

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## 1024  cd foo; echo $?
## 1025  cd foo; echo $?; if (( $? && 1 )); then echo "dir not found!"; else echo "now at $PWD"; fi
## 1026  cd foo; if (( $? && 1 )); then echo "dir not found!"; else echo "now at $PWD"; fi
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

## 2018-07-13 - added by Ted for improved notices when selected dir not found:
alias announce_new_dir='if (( $? && 1 )); then echo "- ${SCRIPT_NAME_ABBR} - dir not found!"; else echo "now at $PWD"; fi'

# navigation to bookmarked directories 1 through 10:

#    alias gd1='cd $D1; echo "Now at $D1" '
    alias gd1='cd $D1; if (( $? && 1 )); then echo "- ${SCRIPT_NAME_ABBR} - dir not found!"; else echo "now at $PWD"; fi'
    alias gd2='cd $D2; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd3='cd $D3; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd4='cd $D4; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd5='cd $D5; announce_new_dir'

    alias gd6='cd $D6; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd7='cd $D7; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd8='cd $D8; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd9='cd $D9; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd10='cd $D10; announce_new_dir'

# navigation to bookmarked directories 11 through 20:

    alias gd11='cd $D11; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd12='cd $D12; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd13='cd $D13; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd14='cd $D14; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd15='cd $D15; announce_new_dir'

    alias gd16='cd $D16; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd17='cd $D17; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd18='cd $D18; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd19='cd $D19; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd20='cd $D20; announce_new_dir'

# navigation to bookmarked directories 21 through 30:

    alias gd21='cd $D21; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd22='cd $D22; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd23='cd $D23; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd24='cd $D24; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd25='cd $D25; announce_new_dir'

    alias gd26='cd $D26; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd27='cd $D27; if (( $? && 1 )); then echo "- ${SCRIPT_NAME_ABBR} - dir not found!"; else echo "now at $PWD"; fi'
    alias gd28='cd $D28; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd29='cd $D29; announce_new_dir'
    alias gd30='cd $D30; announce_new_dir'

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##  'show paths' alias
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

alias s='\
echo "Bookmarked paths in bookmarks group ${bookmarks_group_id} are:"
echo "variable D1 points to $D1";\
 echo variable D2 points to $D2; echo variable D3 points to $D3; echo variable D4 points to $D4; echo variable D5 points to $D5; echo variable D6 points to $D6; echo variable D7 points to $D7; echo variable D8 points to $D8; echo variable D9 points to $D9; echo variable D10 points to $D10;\
echo " - - - - -";\
echo variable D11 points to $D11; echo variable D12 points to $D12; echo variable D13 points to $D13; echo variable D14 points to $D14; echo variable D15 points to $D15; echo variable D16 points to $D16; echo variable D17 points to $D17; echo variable D18 points to $D18; echo variable D19 points to $D19; echo variable D20 points to $D20;\
echo " - - - - -";\
echo "variable D21 points to $D21";\
echo "variable D22 points to $D22";\
echo "variable D23 points to $D23";\
echo "variable D24 points to $D24";\
echo "variable D25 points to $D25";\
echo "variable D26 points to $D26";\
echo "variable D27 points to $D27";\
echo "variable D28 points to $D28";\
echo "variable D29 points to $D29";\
echo "variable D30 points to $D30";\
echo; \
echo "These paths from bookmarks group ${bookmarks_group_id}."
echo EDITOR is set to: $EDITOR;\
echo "see file, typically in home directory of present user,";\
echo "for implementation of directory bookmarks and D1..D30 variables - TMH";\
echo "this shell script written by Ted Havelka and licensed under GNU Public License, 2005 - 2017";\


alias sp='bookmarked_path[0]="zztop"; 
   bookmarked_path[1]=$D1;    bookmarked_path[2]=$D2;    bookmarked_path[3]=$D3;    bookmarked_path[4]=$D4;    bookmarked_path[5]=$D5; 
   bookmarked_path[6]=$D6;    bookmarked_path[7]=$D7;    bookmarked_path[8]=$D8;    bookmarked_path[9]=$D9;   bookmarked_path[10]=$D10; 

  bookmarked_path[11]=$D11;  bookmarked_path[12]=$D12;  bookmarked_path[13]=$D13;  bookmarked_path[14]=$D14;  bookmarked_path[15]=$D15; 
  bookmarked_path[16]=$D16;  bookmarked_path[17]=$D17;  bookmarked_path[18]=$D18;  bookmarked_path[19]=$D19;  bookmarked_path[20]=$D20; 

  bookmarked_path[21]=$D21;  bookmarked_path[22]=$D22;  bookmarked_path[23]=$D23;  bookmarked_path[24]=$D24;  bookmarked_path[25]=$D25; 
  bookmarked_path[26]=$D26;  bookmarked_path[27]=$D27;  bookmarked_path[28]=$D28;  bookmarked_path[29]=$D29;  bookmarked_path[30]=$D30; 

## 2017-12-14 THU:
  echo "about to save bookmarked paths using old script code in alias," 
  echo "in this code \$filename holds '$filename'," 
  echo "to local file $filename saving bookmarked directories:";
  echo -n > $filename; 
  for index in 0  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30; do
      echo "saving bookmarked path $index = ${bookmarked_path[$index]}"; 
      echo ${bookmarked_path[$index]} >> $filename; 

# alias clearpaths='\
# echo "Clearing bookmarked paths in present shell . . ." \
# echo "Note:  bookmarked paths in bookmarks group ${bookmarks_group_id} still stored in ${filename}" \
# export D1=""; export D2=""; export D3=""; export D4=""; export D5=""; \
# export D6=""; export D7=""; export D8=""; export D9=""; export D10=""; \
# \
# export D11=""; export D12=""; export D13=""; export D14=""; export D15=""; \
# export D16=""; export D17=""; export D18=""; export D19=""; export D20=""; \
# \
# export D21=""; export D22=""; export D23=""; export D24=""; export D25=""; \
# export D26=""; export D27=""; export D28=""; export D29=""; export D30="";'

## 2017-12-14 - unexpected new behavior observed when backslash characters
##  appear in alias defining statement above, removing those:

alias clearpaths='
echo "Clearing bookmarked paths in present shell . . ."
echo "Note:  bookmarked paths in bookmarks group ${bookmarks_group_id} still stored in ${filename}"
echo "use \`lp${bookmarks_group_id}\` to reload those bookmarked paths."
export D1=""; export D2=""; export D3=""; export D4=""; export D5=""; \
export D6=""; export D7=""; export D8=""; export D9=""; export D10=""; \
export D11=""; export D12=""; export D13=""; export D14=""; export D15=""; \
export D16=""; export D17=""; export D18=""; export D19=""; export D20=""; \
export D21=""; export D22=""; export D23=""; export D24=""; export D25=""; \
export D26=""; export D27=""; export D28=""; export D29=""; export D30="";'

# 2017-12-02 - NEED TO ADDRESS INTENT AND ACTION OF load-paths:
# This alias likely doesn't work as intended, to load one set
# of bookmarked paths over others . . .    - TMH

alias load-paths=' \
export D1=${bookmarked_path[1]}; \
export D2=${bookmarked_path[2]}; \
export D3=${bookmarked_path[3]}; \
export D4=${bookmarked_path[4]}; \
export D5=${bookmarked_path[5]}; \
export D6=${bookmarked_path[6]}; \
export D7=${bookmarked_path[7]}; \
export D8=${bookmarked_path[8]}; \
export D9=${bookmarked_path[9]}; \
export D10=${bookmarked_path[10]}; \
export D11=${bookmarked_path[11]}; \
export D12=${bookmarked_path[12]}; \
export D13=${bookmarked_path[13]}; \
export D14=${bookmarked_path[14]}; \
export D15=${bookmarked_path[15]}; \
export D16=${bookmarked_path[16]}; \
export D17=${bookmarked_path[17]}; \
export D18=${bookmarked_path[18]}; \
export D19=${bookmarked_path[19]}; \
export D20=${bookmarked_path[20]}; \
export D21=${bookmarked_path[21]}; \
export D22=${bookmarked_path[22]}; \
export D23=${bookmarked_path[23]}; \
export D24=${bookmarked_path[24]}; \
export D25=${bookmarked_path[25]}; \
export D26=${bookmarked_path[26]}; \
export D27=${bookmarked_path[27]}; \
export D28=${bookmarked_path[28]}; \
export D29=${bookmarked_path[29]}; \
export D30=${bookmarked_path[30]}; \
echo "Loaded user-saved paths:"; s'

# Aliases to load different groups of bookmarked paths:

    alias lp1='. ${HOME}/ 1'
    alias lp2='. ${HOME}/ 2'
    alias lp3='. ${HOME}/ 3'
    alias lp4='. ${HOME}/ 4'
    alias lp5='. ${HOME}/ 5'

    alias lp6='. ${HOME}/ 6'
    alias lp7='. ${HOME}/ 7'
    alias lp8='. ${HOME}/ 8'
    alias lp9='. ${HOME}/ 9'
    alias lp10='. ${HOME}/ 10'

# 2017-12-14 - Alias 'show non-empty bookmarks' added by Ted:

    alias sne='
echo "Showing non-empty bookmarks in bookmarks group ${bookmarks_group_id}:"
 bookmarked_path[1]=$D1;    bookmarked_path[2]=$D2;    bookmarked_path[3]=$D3;    bookmarked_path[4]=$D4;    bookmarked_path[5]=$D5; 
 bookmarked_path[6]=$D6;    bookmarked_path[7]=$D7;    bookmarked_path[8]=$D8;    bookmarked_path[9]=$D9;   bookmarked_path[10]=$D10; 

bookmarked_path[11]=$D11;  bookmarked_path[12]=$D12;  bookmarked_path[13]=$D13;  bookmarked_path[14]=$D14;  bookmarked_path[15]=$D15; 
bookmarked_path[16]=$D16;  bookmarked_path[17]=$D17;  bookmarked_path[18]=$D18;  bookmarked_path[19]=$D19;  bookmarked_path[20]=$D20; 

bookmarked_path[21]=$D21;  bookmarked_path[22]=$D22;  bookmarked_path[23]=$D23;  bookmarked_path[24]=$D24;  bookmarked_path[25]=$D25; 
bookmarked_path[26]=$D26;  bookmarked_path[27]=$D27;  bookmarked_path[28]=$D28;  bookmarked_path[29]=$D29;  bookmarked_path[30]=$D30; 

for index in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30; do

    if [ -z ${bookmarked_path[$index]} ]; then
        echo "bookmarked_path[$index] not set," >> /dev/null
        echo "\$D${index} set to ${bookmarked_path[$index]},"
echo "Note:  dot-bash-amendments script supports thirty (30) bookmarked paths per bookmarks group."

} # end function set_aliases_for_bookmarking()

function read_bookmarks_runtime_config()

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    local rname="read_bookmarks_runtime_config"


    local bookmarks_group_id=""

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#    echo "* * * SCRIPT FUNCTION ${rname}() IMPLEMENTATION UNDERWAY * * *"


    if [ -e ${filename} ]; then
        # read bookmarked paths runtime config file . . .
#        echo "${rname}:  reading directory bookmarks runtime configuration file ${filename},"
#        cat ${filename}

        read -r line < ${filename}
#        echo "line 1 holds:  ${line}"

        touch ${filename}
        if [ -e ${filename} ]; then
            echo "1" >> ${filename}
            echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  - WARNING - unable to open and unable to create runtime config file!"
            echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  - will start with bookmarks group set to 1,"
            echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  - presently bookmarks groups 1 through 9 supported."

    echo ${line}
## 2017-12-14 - Commented echo statement and variable for later time when
##  this script able to parse several settings from rc file:
#    echo ${bookmarks_group_id}

} # end function read_bookmarks_runtime_config()

function write_bookmarks_runtime_config()
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##  2017-12-14 - Script contributor Ted noting that this function to
##   write the bookmarks run-time config file is nearly identical to
##   the function to read this same file.  Wondering if there's an
##   elegant way to combine the two functions?  - TMH
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    echo "* * * Script function write_bookmarks_runtime_config() implementation underway * * *"
    echo "called with bookmarks group identifier '${1}',"


    if [ -e ${filename} ]; then
        # write one value bookmarked paths runtime config file, overwriting all data in this file:
        echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  writing directory bookmarks runtime configuration file . . ."
        echo ${1} > ${filename}
        touch ${filename}
        if [ -e ${filename} ]; then
            echo ${1} > ${filename}
            echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  - WARNING - unable to open and unable to create runtime config file!"
            echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  - will start with bookmarks group set to 1,"
            echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  - presently bookmarks groups 1 through 9 supported."

function read_bookmarks_file()

#    echo "*** Routine 'read_bookmarks_file' development in progress, ***"
#    echo "first two arguments from caller are '$1' and '$2',"
#    echo "variable \${SED} holds '${SED}',"

    local bookmarked_paths_group=${2}

#    if [[ ${bookmarked_paths_group} =~ [1-5] ]] ; then
    if [[ ${bookmarked_paths_group} =~ ${REGEX} ]] ; then
        echo "caller requests valid bookmarks file identified by '${2}', which is in the range ${BOOKMARKS_GROUPS_SUPPORTED}"
        echo "- NOTE - caller requests unsupported or unknown bookmarks file identified by '${2}',"
        echo "- NOTE - defaulting to read bookmarked directories in bookmarks group 1,"

##    bookmarks_filename=$(echo ${FILENAME_FORM_OF_BOOKMARKED_PATHS} | ${SED} s/nn/0${2}/)
    bookmarks_filename=$(echo ${FILENAME_FORM_OF_BOOKMARKED_PATHS} | ${SED} s/nn/0${bookmarked_paths_group}/)

    echo "will read bookmarks from file named ${bookmarks_filename},"

## * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
##  NOTE - had trouble getting these export statements to fly . . .
##   Ahh finally makes sense now 2017 DEC, these export statements
##   don't express explicit variable names.  That is, bash must see
##   a shell script declared array element as something other than a
##   valid variable name:                                         - TMH
## * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

# export ${bookmarked_path[0]}
# export ${bookmarked_path[1]}
# export ${bookmarked_path[2]}
# export ${bookmarked_path[3]}
# export ${bookmarked_path[4]}
# export ${bookmarked_path[5]}

##  STEP:  retrieve saved paths from previous user session

# filename="${HOME}/.bash_paths_saved"
# filename="${HOME}/bookmarked-paths.txt"  . . . commmented 2017-12-02 SAT

## 2017-02-09 THU - To be added, support for storing and perusing multiple directory bookmarks files:


declare -a bookmarked_path=()

if [ -e ${filename} ]; then
    bookmarked_path=( $(cat "$filename") )  #  Stores contents of this script
                                     #+ ($bash_settings_local) in an array.
#    echo "$O:  no local bash settings file named ${bash_settings_file} found," > /dev/null
    echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  - WARNING - direcory bookmarks file named ${filename} not found!"
    echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  - not able to read in bookmarked directories from this file,"
    echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:  - but creating to hold paths going forward . . ."
    touch ${filename}

    if [ ]; then
        echo ""
        echo "- DIAG START -"
        echo "after reading bookmarks file,"
        echo "\${bookmarked_path[1]} holds '${bookmarked_path[1]}'"
        echo "\${bookmarked_path[2]} holds '${bookmarked_path[2]}'"
        echo "\${bookmarked_path[3]} holds '${bookmarked_path[3]}'"
        echo "- DIAG END -"
        echo ""

# 2006-11-27
# Prior to storing user-saved paths in a local file, path
# variables were assigned zero-length strings and exported like this:
# export D1=""
# Now these variables are exported the same way but assigned
# differently . . .

# echo "reading saved paths from file, skipping first place-holder token '${bookmarked_path[0]}' . . ."

    export D1=${bookmarked_path[1]}
    export D2=${bookmarked_path[2]}
    export D3=${bookmarked_path[3]}
    export D4=${bookmarked_path[4]}
    export D5=${bookmarked_path[5]}

    export D6=${bookmarked_path[6]}
    export D7=${bookmarked_path[7]}
    export D8=${bookmarked_path[8]}
    export D9=${bookmarked_path[9]}
    export D10=${bookmarked_path[10]}

    export D11=${bookmarked_path[11]}
    export D12=${bookmarked_path[12]}
    export D13=${bookmarked_path[13]}
    export D14=${bookmarked_path[14]}
    export D15=${bookmarked_path[15]}

    export D16=${bookmarked_path[16]}
    export D17=${bookmarked_path[17]}
    export D18=${bookmarked_path[18]}
    export D19=${bookmarked_path[19]}
    export D20=${bookmarked_path[20]}

    export D21=${bookmarked_path[21]}
    export D22=${bookmarked_path[22]}
    export D23=${bookmarked_path[23]}
    export D24=${bookmarked_path[24]}
    export D25=${bookmarked_path[25]}

    export D26=${bookmarked_path[26]}
    export D27=${bookmarked_path[27]}
    export D28=${bookmarked_path[28]}
    export D29=${bookmarked_path[29]}
    export D30=${bookmarked_path[30]}

    if [ ]; then
        echo ""
        echo "- DIAG START -"
        echo "after exporting \$D1..\$D30,"
        echo "\$D1 holds '$D1',"
        echo "\$D2 holds '$D2',"
        echo "\$D3 holds '$D3',"
        echo "- DIAG END -"
        echo ""

} # end function read_bookmarks_file()

function clear_paths_function()

#    echo "clear_paths_function:  clearing bookmarked paths in current shell, setting \$D1..\$D30 to '',"

    export D1=""; export D2=""; export D3=""; export D4=""; export D5="";
    export D6=""; export D7=""; export D8=""; export D9=""; export D10="";

    export D11=""; export D12=""; export D13=""; export D14=""; export D15="";
    export D16=""; export D17=""; export D18=""; export D19=""; export D20="";

    export D21=""; export D22=""; export D23=""; export D24=""; export D25="";
    export D26=""; export D27=""; export D28=""; export D29=""; export D30="";


function amend_path_variable()
##  PURPOSE:  amend user's $PATH environment variable
##  NEED:  to add logic so that for a given shell session, when this
##   script called a second or successive time it does not amend the
##   $PATH variable with duplicate paths.  Need a test . . .   - TMH
##  KEYWORDS:  amend PATH

    string=`echo $PATH | grep $DBM_WATERMARK`

    if [ -z "$string" ]

# Amending the default path variable:

# 2021-07-25 . . .

#        PATH="/usr/bin:${PATH}"
#        PATH="${PATH}":/opt/cross/x-tools/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin
#        PATH="${PATH}":.

# 2014-01-24 . . .

# 2017-12-04 . . .

# 2021-01-31 . . .

## 2018-01-19 - add a pattern to the path to avoid multple path variable
##  amendments per shell session:
        echo "\$PATH variable already amended, directory book-marker leaving untouched."


function restore_path_variable_to_as_found()

##  SECTION - main-line code of

echo "starting,"

## Following test fails when script passed an argument, should succeed . . .
#if [[ "$ARGC" -eq "1" ]]; then
#    echo "called with first argument set to '$1',"

## Following test succeeds:
if [[ "$#" -eq "1" ]]; then
    echo "called with first argument set to '$1',"
#    echo "calling 'read directory bookmarks file' with no arguments . . ."
#    read_bookmarks_file

## Note:  single brackets in the following test work, double brackets
##  seem to evaulate differently, may be because we're using a shell
##  file test . . .


# echo "- DEV - constructed bookmarked paths directory which holds '$bookmarks_dir',"
## 2017-12-03 - DISCOVERY:  hey why does bash 'file exists' test return true when 
## +  the argument to the file test is a zero-length string?  Or undefined variable?
## +  Does Mendel Cooper's guide explain this behavior?  There was a type 
## +  just below with 'bookmarks_dir' spelled 'booksmarks_dir' . . .  - TMH

if [ -e ${bookmarks_dir} ]; then
#    echo "found directory '${bookmarks_dir}' for bookmarked path files, not creating this directory."
    echo "found directory '${bookmarks_dir}' for bookmarked path files, not creating this directory." > /dev/null
#    echo "creating directory ${bookmarks_dir} . . ."
    mkdir -pv ${bookmarks_dir}

##  STEP:  set shell aliases . . . moved to two functions of this script



#    echo "- DIAG BEGIN - calling builtin shell command 'alias' to check aliases just set:"
#    alias
#    echo "- DIAG END -"

##  STEP - read file holding bookmarked paths

#    echo "- DIAG BEGIN - calling function (not alias) to clear any directory bookmarks . . ."
#    echo "- DIAG END - \$D1 holds '$D1'"

##  *

     if [[ $1 =~ $re ]]; then
        if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then

##  STEP - check for valid bookmarks group identifier, should be
##  an integer value between 1 and 9 for now, 2017 December:


if [[ ${bookmarked_paths_group_in_script_main_line} =~ [1-9] ]] ; then
    echo "script called with bookmarks group number ${bookmarked_paths_group_in_script_main_line}, in range ${BOOKMARKS_GROUPS_SUPPORTED}"
    echo "which we support as of 2017 December."
    write_bookmarks_runtime_config ${bookmarked_paths_group_in_script_main_line}
    if [ -z ${bookmarked_paths_group_in_script_main_line} ]; then
#        echo "setting bookmarks group to default value of 1, first group of bookmarks among ${BOOKMARKS_GROUPS_SUPPORTED}"
#        bookmarked_paths_group_in_script_main_line=1

        echo "script called without bookmarked paths group specified,"
        echo "looking for last-used bookmarks group in dot-bash-amendments run-time config file . . ."
        echo "- DEV - from rc file read bookmarks group id '${bookmarks_group_id}',"
        echo "- NOTE - script called with unsupported bookmarks group id,"
        echo "- NOTE - id we got is '${bookmarked_paths_group_in_script_main_line}',"
        echo "- NOTE - setting bookmarks group to default value of 1, first group of bookmarks among ${BOOKMARKS_GROUPS_SUPPORTED}"

# echo "calling bash amendments function to read run-time config file . . ."
# read_bookmarks_runtime_config

echo "calling 'read directory bookmarks file' with arguments '$0 ${bookmarks_group_id}' . . ."
read_bookmarks_file $0 ${bookmarks_group_id}

## See, example script 7-1:

if [ ]; then
    echo ""
    echo "- DIAG START in main-line code of script -"
    echo "back from call to read_bookmarks_file() which exports \$D1..\$D30,"
    echo "\$D1 holds '$D1',"
    echo "\$D2 holds '$D2',"
    echo "\$D3 holds '$D3',"
    echo "- DIAG END in main-line code of script -"
    echo ""

##  STEP - amend environment variables

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##  NOTE - path environment variable amendments, mostly for
##   work on Debian and Ubuntu Linux based systems
##  NOTE - when $PATH variable includes present working directory, e.g.
##   "." then buildroot 2.x complains and bails during project
##   compilation.  For smooth buildroot project builds, keep the 
##   current working directory commented out.  Safer to run programs
##   in cwd using ./[program_name] syntax anyway . . .  - TMH
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

# Amending the default path variable:

    if [ "$1" == "restore-path-variable" ]; then 
echo "- dbm - RESTORING PATH VARIABLE . . ."

# Concurrent Versions System (CVS) variables:

#    export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim . . . commented out 2012-01-25 - TMH
    export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi

# Variables as shortcuts:


# Enable tsocks transparent proxy service by setting this environment
# variable:

## Note - needed back in 2004, 2005 for to enable proxy server
##  settings . . .

#    export LD_PRELOAD=/lib/
#    export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/

##  2014-02-19 - added by Ted . . .
##  STEP - cross compile variables to export
##  reference

export SESSION_MANAGER=lightdm

# export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-

## 2021-07-21 TUE - Ted commenting out this variable, it is causing `west` zephyr builds to fail:
# export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-zephyr-eabi-
export ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR=${HOME}/zephyrproject/zephyr

# . ~/.bookmarked-paths/

echo "done."

# EOF ( end of file )

^ git Credentials Switcher

Unsure whether following shell script can be turned into an effective shell alias, but may be work-able as a shell function. Posting three script excerpts here, in reality these are small stand-alone shell scripts:

(1) First attempt 11/22 at shell based git credential switcher:


export NN_SSH_DIR=${HOME}/.ssh
export NN_SSH_CONFIG=${NN_SSH_DIR}/config

##    alias gw='\
      if [ -e ${NN_SSH_CONFIG} ]; then #\
          rm ${NN_SSH_CONFIG} #\
      ln -s $NN_SSH_DIR/config--work ${NN_SSH_CONFIG} #\

      if [ -e ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PRIVATE} ]; then #\
          rm ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PRIVATE} #\
      ln -s $NN_SSH_DIR/id_ed25519-work ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PRIVATE} #\

      if [ -e ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PUBLIC} ]; then #\
          rm ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PUBLIC} #\

      echo "Setting git auth to work account . . ."
#     '

exit 0

Next two are second attempt, act as pair to toggle access between two remote git accounts. Ted still not sure why this is necessary, given on-line forum posts regarding one-line git push actions to multiple remote code repos:

(2) Pair of git credential switching scripts:


export NN_SSH_DIR=${HOME}/.ssh
export NN_SSH_CONFIG=${NN_SSH_DIR}/config

      if [ -e ${NN_SSH_CONFIG} ]; then #\
          rm ${NN_SSH_CONFIG} #\
      ln -s $NN_SSH_DIR/config--work ${NN_SSH_CONFIG} #\

      if [ -e ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PRIVATE} ]; then #\
          rm ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PRIVATE} #\
      ln -s $NN_SSH_DIR/id_ed25519-work ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PRIVATE} #\

      if [ -e ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PUBLIC} ]; then #\
          rm ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PUBLIC} #\

      echo "Setting git auth to work account . . ."

exit 0

export NN_SSH_DIR=${HOME}/.ssh
export NN_SSH_CONFIG=${NN_SSH_DIR}/config

      if [ -e ${NN_SSH_CONFIG} ]; then #\
          rm ${NN_SSH_CONFIG} #\
      ln -s $NN_SSH_DIR/config--personal ${NN_SSH_CONFIG} #\

      if [ -e ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PRIVATE} ]; then #\
          rm ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PRIVATE} #\
      ln -s $NN_SSH_DIR/id_ed25519-personal ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PRIVATE} #\

      if [ -e ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PUBLIC} ]; then #\
          rm ${NN_ELLIPTIC_KEY_PUBLIC} #\

      echo "Setting git auth to work account . . ."

exit 0

^ References