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-- 2017-07-21 शुक्रवार --
Ted's page on Neela Nurseries Wiki


This wiki document a starting point of Ted's notes on Linux use and configuration, Open Source Software and web development. Recent efforts to document and further study include:

These are the first topics on which Ted wants to gather together notes. Hard to remember all details regarding pitfalls encountered, solutions found, and ideas for improving the configuration and use experience of these softwares . . . - TMH

Linux Packages

- 2017-07-31 सोमवार -

This section a starting point for notes on Linux packages, namely Debian and Ubuntu packages. Focus here is on userland software, and which packages are needed to set up various tools sets in a working Unix / Linux environment . . .

  • libreoffice-base

Bash Shell Scripting

Shell scripting and use of built-in shell commands is a really practical knowledge to employ, when working in Unix-like environments. One common task is to find all the instances of a given file or program. The locate command can perform this kind of search, but it's results don't show whether the file instances differ. To check at the rough level of file size, we can use a one-line shell script technique involving shell piping, to "long list" the results of the locate command, like this . . .

  $ for file in `locate tavrasm | grep 'asm$'`; do ls -l ${file}; done


Couple of MediaWiki and publishing issues to look into, which came up during wiki configuration:

Some Hindi language and UTF-8 encoding references, to be factored to a dedicated wiki page later:

Linux programs and utilities: