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(^ Git Rebase: add notes on non-interactive git rebase and interactive git rebase with HEAD~n commit reference syntax)
m (^ Git Rebase: clarify need to use HEAD~n notation when editing commit ranges)
Line 292: Line 292:
To rebase in git has many uses.  Two of the highly helpful use cases are `git rebase [branch]` where branch is the tip of a given branch, and `git rebase -i HEAD~n` where n is some n'th commit older than the current tip or HEAD commit.
To rebase in git has many uses.  Two of the highly helpful use cases are `git rebase [branch]` where branch is the tip of a given branch, and `git rebase -i HEAD~n` where n is some n'th commit older than the current tip or HEAD commit.
For the non-interactive git rebase 'branch' can be any valid commit, expressed by the hash value of the given commit.  The HEAD~n git syntax can be replaced by a valid commit hash too.
For the non-interactive git rebase 'branch' can be any valid commit, expressed by the hash value of the given commit.  The HEAD~n git syntax appears to be special in that it causes git's interactive rebase to provide an editable list of commands.  Maybe this is because the notation could be taken to express a range of commits from the present HEAD commit to (n - 1) commits back in the given commit history.  Giving a latest and previous commit hash, two hashes in place of HEAD~n notation does not produce an editable list of commits.
Intro to git rebase:
Intro to git rebase:

Revision as of 23:44, 14 December 2023

-- 2017-12-04 Monday - somvaar - सोमवार--
Git Notes

^ OVERVIEW - अवलोकन

Following article / document collection of notes on version control software named git. To learn git is not a gentle or short learning curve. This said, there are some key concepts worth mentioning at the beginning of a git learning journey. Some of these concepts include:

^ Common Commands

Wanting to understand and use git better, here are some on-line references to git version control. Noting here git reference at orga.cat, this reference well-written with lots of commands and concise explanations of each command. This reference is first in list:

Basic git commands:


Atlassian article on Git's edit/stage/commit pattern of use (Invoke `git add` to stage local file changes.):

Setting up ssh key pairs for secure authentication:

Why are my local changes getting lost? Git commit-and-push-sequence not sufficient to transfer file changes to given git repository . . .

Git references found while answering specific git task questions:

  $ git diff HEAD .

2022-01-10 Commands in `git` to rename local and remote branch:

ejemplo - board `anda-m`:

  1  2003  git checkout andam-board-bring-up
  2  2004  git branch -m anda-m-board-bring-up
  3  2005  git branch
  4  2006  git push origin -u anda-m-board-bring-up
  5  2007  git push origin --delete andam-board-bring-up
  6  2008  history

Markdown and .md file formatting at Github

Git and Working with Remote Repositories

Release tag creation and naming in Git

^ Git Commit Messages

Git Conventional Commits document, to aid in meaningful and searchable git commit messages. Link to standard here:

Git conventional commit messages have colon separated descriptors, the first of which are most standardized and narrow in count. These descriptors include:

  • feat . . . feature
  • fix

Some additional identifiers for types of code work committed in git tracked projects include:

  • build
  • chore
  • ci . . . Continuous Improvement
  • docs
  • style
  • refactor
  • revert . . . when a commit reverts a previous commit
  • perf . . . ??? performance enhancement ???
  • test

Other commit note descriptors permitted as per the Angular Convention.

^ Git Command Examples

On the local work station, to see from which remote git repository a working copy comes:

 $ git remote -v

A git invocation to perform pattern matching like `grep`:

 $ git -C ../modules/hal/nxp/mcux/mcux-sdk grep -nC3 'FLASH_Init'

Within a git repository a developer may identify the full path to the repo or project root by issuing command:

 $ git rev-parse --show-toplevel

A short form summary of commit messages with just the first line of each shown:

 $ git log --oneline

An `ncurses` like character graphic tree representation of a repository's commit history:

 $ git log --oneline --graph --all

Capture given git log to text file:

 $ git --no-pager log > log.txt

Capture sets of changed files over a range of commits:

 $ for hash in COMMIT_HASH_1 COMMIT_HASH_2 COMMIT_HASH_3; do git diff-tree -r $hash; done

To find out which files have changed in a given branch, call git this way:

  $ git diff --name-only COMMIT_HASH_1 COMMIT_HASH_2

To see the changes in one file between two commits, call git with the 'diff' command and these four arguments:


Note: the double dash '--' separates commit hash args from filenames, as commit hashes may number more than two. !!Pay attention note!!: in this invocation to find file differences between two commits, git will not complain or warn of a pathspec which points to a non-extent file

^ Git Inner Workings

Key words: Three Places of Git : "Three Places of Git" : git tracked changes stored in three places

Good trio of articles by Zvonimir Spajic, on `git` inner workings, how git works under the hood. These tutorials also explain some important git terminology. Among the git details presented here Zvonimir explains that git "sees" a developer's changes in three places: working directory, staging directory and local repository. The staging directory contains a particular version controlled project's git index file. Staged but not committed changes are kept in this index file.

^ Git Terminology

What it means to 'rebase' in context of git . . .

  *  https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase

^ Git Branching

An official starting point for git branch use can be found at https://git-scm.com/docs/git-branch. Some articles on the large topic of best branching practices include:

When there are local changes that haven't been committed . . .

  *  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20568971/git-pull-keeps-telling-me-to-stash-local-changes-before-pulling

Excerpt from above link:

It sounds like your local branch does not have all of the changes on origin.

Firstly, stash your changes

git stash

Then, pull in the changes from origin.

git fetch origin && git rebase origin/(branch name)

Next, add the stash back in to your working directory:

git stash pop


2021 Renaming local and remote branches:


^ Git Merge

History re-writing git tools achieved through . . .

2023-07-12 git Kraken site:

^ Git Rebase

To rebase in git has many uses. Two of the highly helpful use cases are `git rebase [branch]` where branch is the tip of a given branch, and `git rebase -i HEAD~n` where n is some n'th commit older than the current tip or HEAD commit.

For the non-interactive git rebase 'branch' can be any valid commit, expressed by the hash value of the given commit. The HEAD~n git syntax appears to be special in that it causes git's interactive rebase to provide an editable list of commands. Maybe this is because the notation could be taken to express a range of commits from the present HEAD commit to (n - 1) commits back in the given commit history. Giving a latest and previous commit hash, two hashes in place of HEAD~n notation does not produce an editable list of commits.

Intro to git rebase:

References to and notes on `git rebase` in this section, starting with a blog post about `git rebase --onto`:

2023 September needed to rebase a local branch to a remote branch, namely `main`, which git could not merge in its fast-forward mode. Found solution with git invocation:

 $ git pull origin main --rebase

First created a second branch name pointing to same commit as local `main` HEAD. Then deleted the local main branch, but not sure now whether this step is necessary.

A good explanation of uses of `git rebase --onto commit1 commit2 [commit3]` by Enrico Campidoglio:

Git `rerere` - Reuse Recorded Resolution

Rebasing a branch with many commits beyond its present base commit sometimes leads to repeated conflicts, as each commit in the branch history is visited. This happens when local changes touch the same lines in the same files, between the local commits and the new base commit. The git command `rerere` stands for Reuse Recorded Resolution. It must be enabled with a global setting. (From following git article sounds as though it is disabled by default) Plus there is or are ways to use enable `rerere` per git repository, and not globally.

^ Rebase versus Merge

stub section

^ Git Diff and Related

Git difference command `git range-diff` available on Ubuntu like systems via package `git-extras`. An introductory article on basic use of `range-diff` command:

Git's range-diff command may also take arguments of the form:

  $ git range-diff $common_base $start_of_first_commit_series $start_hash_of_second_commit_series

^ Git Tags

Command `git show <tag_name>` . . .

A few `git tag` command uses:

    $ git tag
    $ git tag --delete <tag_name>
    $ git tag -a <tag_name> -m "tagging message here" [optional_commit_hash]

^ Git stash - stash is global across branches

Note that git stash "entries" are global across branches.

Some common uses of `git stash`:

$ git stash --keep-index --include-untracked   # . . . to create a stash entry for the present branch (NEED in-page anchor to 'git index' terminology - TMH)

$ git stash list                               # . . . list stash entries for present branch

$ git stash list --all                         # . . . list stash entries for all branches of present local repository

^ Git log related

Keywords: git log pickaxe option

A git conventions / best practices article, specific conventions for git commit messages:

Ways to invoke `git log`:

Git's string search parameter or "pickaxe" log option `-S`:

At the command line in a color supporting terminal window, the following `git` invocation produces a useful tree like representation of local and remote branches:

  $ git log --oneline --graph --all

^ Git remotes

Working with multiple git remotes , remote repositories. The following tutorial link to Jigarius leads to a good article. In attempting to set up a local git remote 'definition' with two remote URLs, it became clear that there are issues that break this effort when one remote repo is already created and has pre-existing history. It doesn't matter how short or simple that history is. So this is a good link, but may not be practical to set up multiple remotes to be updated with a single 'push' command when the remotes are not all fully under a given developer's control:

So another question which this prompts, this being the effort to push local work to multiple remotes, is: how does git handle symbolic links? Links at least in the Unix and Linux context?

On git handling of symlinks:

Adding ssh keys to ssh-agent, listing ssh keys, configuring multiple github emails:

How to list git configuration:

  $ git config --list

How to modify remote repository URL:

  $ git remote set-url origin git@github.com:[github_account_username]/[repository_name]

. . . this information thanks to post at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2432764/how-do-i-change-the-uri-url-for-a-remote-git-repository.

^ Using Git and Subversion Together

Using Git and Subversion on one and the same project looks complicated . . .

^ Git For Windows notes

Looks like with latest (as of 2021-06-16) Git For Windows offers three different ways to configure credentials management. This seems important, here is a link provided by the Git-for-Windows installer:

Locally installed release notes at: file:///C:/Users/<user_name>/AppData/Local/Programs/Git/ReleaseNotes.html

^ References

Git fetch and merge preferrable to git pull . . .

Note: in Firefox 89.0.1 (64-bit) the key binding <CTRL>+j opens a message box showing download progress and history.