Mediawiki upgrade

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Revision as of 13:37, 30 June 2024 by Ted (talk | contribs) (Add section "Troubleshooting".)
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2024-03-26 Tuesday

Mediawiki Upgrade Notes

Keywords: mkcert web browser restart required

In file `RELEASE-NOTES-1.x` may be useful to search for:

692 == Upgrading notes for 1.35 ==
693 1.35 requires PHP 7.3.19 or above (up from 7.2.9). (T257879)

...this so at least in MW release 1.35. Speaks to which minimum version of PHP is needed.

In file `UPGRADE` which is part of mediawiki tarball, there is mention that for upgrades a wiki curator will want to preserve the following dirs and files from the older installation:

    (1) "extensions" directory
    (2) "images" directory
    (3) LocalSettings.php file

^ Mediawiki Documentation

A useful Mediawiki page with general notes on difficulty levels, and issues involved with upgrades from certain ranges of older versions is:

. . . search for the phrases "Frequently asked questions" and "How hard is it to upgrade?"

Mediawiki how to debug:

^ Local Testing Environment

Knowledge of apache2 web server config, and SSL certificate authorities and cert generation needed to complete a localhost based testing env for Mediawiki installs and upgrades. One blog post at regarding how to configure SSL/TLS certs. Satish Verma's post talks about a util on github named mkcert:

How to install and set up Go aka Golang on Ubuntu 20.04:

^ Troubleshooting