
From Wiki at Neela Nurseries
Revision as of 21:27, 3 October 2023 by Ted (talk | contribs) (update 2023 autumn tasks with hibiscus potte, and adding smaller planting tasks)
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(1) build retaining wall between front northwest yard rhododendron and agave ovatifolia

    Clean up:
    [ ] remove dead rhododendron stump
    [ ] attempt to move self air rooted rhododendron branch
    [ ] remove copiced oak tree
    [ ] weed
    [ ] dig trench for gravel footing for wall
    [ ] set blocks
    [ ] backfill and cover with screen
    Stepping stones:
    [ ]
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(2) pot up hardy hibiscus from 57th street

    [x] pot up four hibiscus planted atop ground and mounded in place [ ] pot or plant in ground n hibiscus from five gallon bucket

(3) smaller planting jobs

    [ ] pot and label vine maple and Japanese maple one-gallon seed groups [ ] plant loose AB iris rhizomes [ ] plant BB Cranapple iris divisions [ ] plant AB Perry Dyer iris divisions, two sites [ ] locate and plant in ground agastache in white pots [ ] divide first and oldest red hot poker

(4) complete first section northeast large block retaining wall