Git notes

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-- 2017-12-04 Monday - somvaar - सोमवार--
Git Notes

^ OVERVIEW - अवलोकन

Following article / document collection of notes on version control software named git. Worth noting at top of these notes is an blog post about practical and widespread git branching strategy, at

^ How To Use Git

Wanting to understand and use git better, here are some on-line references to git version control. Noting here git reference at, this reference well-written with lots of commands and concise explanations of each command. This reference is first in list:

Basic git commands:


Atlassian article on Git's edit/stage/commit pattern of use (Invoke `git add` to stage local file changes.):

Setting up ssh key pairs for secure authentication:

Why are my local changes getting lost? Git commit-and-push-sequence not sufficient to transfer file changes to given git repository . . .

Git references found while answering specific git task questions:

  $ git diff HEAD .

Markdown and .md file formatting at Github

Git and Working with Remote Repositories

Release tag creation and naming in Git

^ Git Command Examples

On the local work station, to see from which remote git repository a working copy comes:

   $ git remote -v

^ Git Terminology

What it means to 'rebase' in context of git . . .


^ Git Branching

An official starting point for git branch use can be found at Some articles on the large topic of best branching practices include:

When there are local changes that haven't been committed . . .


Excerpt from above link:

It sounds like your local branch does not have all of the changes on origin.

Firstly, stash your changes

git stash

Then, pull in the changes from origin.

git fetch origin && git rebase origin/(branch name)

Next, add the stash back in to your working directory:

git stash pop

Renaming local and remote branches:

^ Git remotes

Working with multiple git remotes , remote repositories. The following tutorial link to Jigarius leads to a good article. In attempting to set up a local git remote 'definition' with two remote URLs, it became clear that there are issues that break this effort when one remote repo is already created and has pre-existing history. It doesn't matter how short or simple that history is. So this is a good link, but may not be practical to set up multiple remotes to be updated with a single 'push' command when the remotes are not all fully under a given developer's control:

So another question which this prompts, this being the effort to push local work to multiple remotes, is: how does git handle symbolic links? Links at least in the Unix and Linux context?

On git handling of symlinks:

Adding ssh keys to ssh-agent, listing ssh keys, configuring multiple github emails:

^ Using Git and Subversion Together

Using Git and Subversion on one and the same project looks complicated . . .

^ Git For Windows notes

Looks like with latest (as of 2021-06-16) Git For Windows offers three different ways to configure credentials management. This seems important, here is a link provided by the Git-for-Windows installer:

Locally installed release notes at: file:///C:/Users/<user_name>/AppData/Local/Programs/Git/ReleaseNotes.html

^ References

Note: in Firefox 89.0.1 (64-bit) the key binding <CTRL>+j opens a message box showing download progress and history.