Linux Desktop Environments
From Wiki at Neela Nurseries
Linux Desktop Environments
Openbox configuration
A normal user's programs on a Linux host, installed with Openbox, can be started automatically at login by creating and or amending the file ${HOME}/.config/openbox/autostart. Here is a sample autostart file:
##---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Openbox autostart file, as found 2019-11-02 ##---------------------------------------------------------------------- # export SESSION_MANAGER=lightdm export SESSION_MANAGER=/var/run/lxdm/lxdm.sock xset -b (sleep 1s && xscreensaver) & (sleep 1s && /home/veris/ & (sleep 1s && nm-applet) & # (sleep 3s && conky) & # (sleep 1s && xclock 200x200+1300+50) & (sleep 1s && xclock -geometry 150x150+1200+80) & (sleep 1s && idesk ) & (sleep 1s && xfce4-panel) ## --- EOF ---