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  1. !/usr/bin/perl -T
  2. #!/usr/bin/perl
    1. ======================================================================
    2. FILE: highlight-like-grep.pl
    3. PURPOSE: to provide simple and quick HTML text highlighting,
    4. to aid in text based wiki content.
    5. NOTES: Started on 2016-12-05 by Ted Havelka.
    7. * https://perlmaven.com/how-to-split-a-text-file-line-by-line
    8. * http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/sprintf.html

=for comment

      %%    a percent sign
      %c    a character with the given number
      %s    a string
      %d    a signed integer, in decimal
      %u    an unsigned integer, in decimal
      %o    an unsigned integer, in octal
      %x    an unsigned integer, in hexadecimal
      %e    a floating-point number, in scientific notation
      %f    a floating-point number, in fixed decimal notation
      %g    a floating-point number, in %e or %f notation

      %X    like %x, but using upper-case letters
      %E    like %e, but using an upper-case "E"
      %G    like %g, but with an upper-case "E" (if applicable)
      %b    an unsigned integer, in binary
      %B    like %b, but using an upper-case "B" with the # flag
      %p    a pointer (outputs the Perl value's address in hexadecimal)
      %n    special: *stores* the number of characters output so far
            into the next argument in the parameter list
      %a    hexadecimal floating point
      %A    like %a, but using upper-case letters

      %i    a synonym for %d
      %D    a synonym for %ld
      %U    a synonym for %lu
      %O    a synonym for %lo
      %F    a synonym for %f

     printf '%2$d %1$d', 12, 34;      # prints "34 12"
     printf '%3$d %d %1$d', 1, 2, 3;  # prints "3 1 1"

     printf '<% d>',  12;   # prints "< 12>"
     printf '<% d>',   0;   # prints "< 0>"
     printf '<% d>', -12;   # prints "<-12>"
     printf '<%+d>',  12;   # prints "<+12>"
     printf '<%+d>',   0;   # prints "<+0>"
     printf '<%+d>', -12;   # prints "<-12>"
     printf '<%6s>',  12;   # prints "<    12>"
     printf '<%-6s>', 12;   # prints "<12    >"
     printf '<%06s>', 12;   # prints "<000012>"
     printf '<%#o>',  12;   # prints "<014>"
     printf '<%#x>',  12;   # prints "<0xc>"
     printf '<%#X>',  12;   # prints "<0XC>"
     printf '<%#b>',  12;   # prints "<0b1100>"
     printf '<%#B>',  12;   # prints "<0B1100>"

     printf '<%+ d>', 12;   # prints "<+12>"
     printf '<% +d>', 12;   # prints "<+12>"


    1. ======================================================================

use strict; use warnings;

  1. no warnings;

use 5.008;

    1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub usage {

   print "Usage:  $0 [filename] [pattern_1] [highlight_color_1] [pattern_2] [highlight_color_2] [...]\n";
   print "  where filename is name of file to read,\n";
   print "  and pattern_1 is first pattern to highlight,\n";
   print "  highlight_color_1 is color to apply to pattern_1 instances,\n";
   print "  additional patterns and highlight colors optional . . .\n";


sub high_light_one_text_pattern {

    1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. * https://perlmaven.com/how-to-split-a-text-file-line-by-line
    3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   my $caller = shift;
   my $filename = shift;
   my $pattern_1 = shift;
   my $highlight_color_1 = shift;
   my $FILE;
   my $line;
   my $count_of_lines_processed = 0;
   my $tag_for_highlight_1_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_1_close = "";

  1. - STEP - Bounds checking here on passed values:
    1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  2. if ( length(...
   open (FILE, $filename) or print "Could not open file '$filename' $!";

  1. - STEP - build text highlighting tag, and HTML tag to set font color:
   $tag_for_highlight_1_open = "";

  1. - STEP - read file and highlight text, line by line:
   $line = <FILE>;
  1. while ( ($line = <FILE>) && (1) )
   while ( ($line ) && (1) )
       $line =~ s/${pattern_1}/${tag_for_highlight_1_open}${pattern_1}${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
  1. print "$count_of_lines_processed: $line";
       printf('%5s:  %s', $count_of_lines_processed, $line);
       $line = <FILE>;

   printf('closing text file \'%s\' . . .', $filename);
   close (FILE);

} # end subroutine high_light_one_text_pattern

sub high_light_five_text_patterns {

    1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. * https://perlmaven.com/how-to-split-a-text-file-line-by-line
    3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   my $caller = shift;
   my $filename = shift;
   my $pattern_1 = shift;
   my $highlight_color_1 = shift;
   my $pattern_2 = shift;
   my $highlight_color_2 = shift;
   my $pattern_3 = shift;
   my $highlight_color_3 = shift;
   my $pattern_4 = shift;
   my $highlight_color_4 = shift;
   my $pattern_5 = shift;
   my $highlight_color_5 = shift;
   my $FILE;
   my $line;
   my $count_of_lines_processed = 0;
   my $tag_for_highlight_1_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_2_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_3_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_4_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_5_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_1_close = "";

   print ":  about to highlight up to five text patterns in lines of file . . .\n";
   print "\n";

  1. - STEP - Bounds checking here on passed values:
    1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  2. if ( length(...
   open (FILE, $filename) or print "Could not open file '$filename' $!";

  1. - STEP - build text highlighting tag, and HTML tag to set font color:
   if ( length($highlight_color_1) > 0 )
       $tag_for_highlight_1_open = "";
   if ( length($highlight_color_2) > 0 )
       $tag_for_highlight_2_open = "";
   if ( length($highlight_color_3) > 0 )
       $tag_for_highlight_3_open = "";
   if ( length($highlight_color_4) > 0 )
       $tag_for_highlight_4_open = "";
   if ( length($highlight_color_5) > 0 )
       $tag_for_highlight_5_open = "";
   my $pattern_5 = shift;
   my $highlight_color_5 = shift;
   my $FILE;
   my $line;
   my $count_of_lines_processed = 0;
   my $tag_for_highlight_1_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_2_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_3_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_4_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_5_open = "";
   my $tag_for_highlight_1_close = "";

   print ":  about to highlight up to five text patterns in lines of file . . .\n";
   print "\n";

  1. - STEP - Bounds checking here on passed values:
    1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  2. if ( length(...
   open (FILE, $filename) or print "Could not open file '$filename' $!";

  1. - STEP - build text highlighting tag, and HTML tag to set font color:
   if ( length($highlight_color_1) > 0 )
       $tag_for_highlight_1_open = "";
   if ( length($highlight_color_2) > 0 )
       $tag_for_highlight_2_open = "";
  1. - STEP - read file and highlight text, line by line:
   while ( ($line = <FILE>) && (1) )
       if ( length($highlight_color_1) > 0 )
  1. $line =~ s/${pattern_1}/${tag_for_highlight_1_open}${pattern_1}${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
           $line =~ s/(${pattern_1})/${tag_for_highlight_1_open}$1${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
       if ( length($highlight_color_2) > 0 )
  1. $line =~ s/${pattern_2}/${tag_for_highlight_2_open}${pattern_2}${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
           $line =~ s/(${pattern_2})/${tag_for_highlight_2_open}$1${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
       if ( length($highlight_color_3) > 0 )
  1. $line =~ s/${pattern_3}/${tag_for_highlight_3_open}${pattern_3}${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
           $line =~ s/(${pattern_3})/${tag_for_highlight_3_open}$1${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;

       if ( length($highlight_color_4) > 0 )
  1. $line =~ s/${pattern_4}/${tag_for_highlight_4_open}${pattern_4}${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
           $line =~ s/(${pattern_4})/${tag_for_highlight_4_open}$1${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
       if ( length($highlight_color_5) gt 0 )
  1. $line =~ s/${pattern_5}/${tag_for_highlight_5_open}${pattern_5}${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
           $line =~ s/(${pattern_5})/${tag_for_highlight_5_open}$1${tag_for_highlight_1_close}/g;
  1. print "$count_of_lines_processed: $line";
  2. printf('%5s:  %s', $count_of_lines_processed, $line);
       printf('%s', $line);

   print "\n";
   printf(':  closing text file \'%s\' . . .\n', $filename);
   close (FILE);

} # end subroutine high_light_five_text_patterns

    1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. - SECTION - main line code
    3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------


   my $argc;
   my $filename = $ARGV[0];
   my $pattern_1_to_highlight = $ARGV[1];
   my $highlight_color_1 = $ARGV[2];
   my $flag__show_usage = 0;

   print "starting,\n";
   if ( length($filename) > 0 ) 
       print "received filename to parse, filename is '$filename',\n";
       print "Warning - received no name of fil to parse!\n";
       $flag__show_usage = 1;
   if ( length($pattern_1_to_highlight) > 0 ) 
      print "received first pattern to highlight, it is '$pattern_1_to_highlight'\n";
       print "Warning - received no pattern to highlight!\n";
       $flag__show_usage = 1;

   if ( length($highlight_color_1) > 0 ) 
      print "received color of first highlight pattern '$highlight_color_1'\n";
       print "Warning - received no color for highlight pattern 1!\n";
       $flag__show_usage = 1;

   if ( $flag__show_usage)

  1. - STEP - Check number of command line arguments, and select a highlighting
  2. routine based on this number:
   $argc = @ARGV;
   printf("received %d arguments,\n", $argc); 
   if ( $argc < 4 ) 
       print "calling routine to highlight one text pattern . . .\n"; 
  1. high_light_one_text_pattern("main", $filename, "CRC", "red");
       high_light_one_text_pattern("main", $filename, $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]);
       print "calling routine to highlight between one and five text patterns . . .\n"; 
         $ARGV[0],                   # the name of text file to read and highlight select text,
         $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2],         # pattern 1, highlight color 1,
         $ARGV[3], $ARGV[4],         # pattern 2, highlight color 2,
         $ARGV[5], $ARGV[6],         # pattern 3, highlight color 3,
         $ARGV[7], $ARGV[8],         # pattern 4, highlight color 4,
         $ARGV[9], $ARGV[10]         # pattern 5, highlight color 5,

   print "done.\n\n";


  1. --- EOF ---