Nn web site building blocks
The following tools and web and programming frameworks are all part of Ted's volunteer efforts with ASI web site, and in-progress study of how to configure and customize shopping carts, article and document management pages, and easy-to-read easy-to-adjust web page layouts using CSS and third party, open source frameworks:
- Linux package selection for constrained systems
^ MYSQL database server and client
- MYSQL data base install and config (set up)
- MYSQL query syntax and examples
- MYSQL show variables, show status
- MYSQL command-line tool, also called MYSQL shell
- MYSQL shell user guide
- string quoting in MYSQL, multiple ways of quoting
- mysqldump of database information_schema requires
option - MYSQL database back-ups and cron
An important MYSQL database access recovery step is to reset the database server's root password in cases where that is lost. The following statement run in a mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
session works, while some of the more standard and MYSQL 5.7 documented password change statements fail due to a bug in MYSQL . . .
mysql> update mysql.user set authentication_string=password('MyNewPass') where user='root';
- PHP set up
^ Apache2 web server configuration
- https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/RedirectSSL redirect http to https URLs
- Install and config
- Back-up and restore steps
- Troubleshooting
^ Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Learnlayout dot com, flexbox example
- CSS flexbox, old versus new syntax at css-tricks.com
- Codepen dot io, Chris Coyier example of fixed and fluid block elements
- https://www.w3schools.com/tags/canvas_lineto.asp
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API/Tutorial/Getting_started_with_WebGL
^ 2017-11-27 - Web Page Fonts
^ 2017-11-28 - Javascript tutorials, examples and frameworks
Javascript frameworks . . .
- Mithril Javascript framework, simple application
- Mochikit framework . . . found 2017-12-07 in translate.google.com page source
Javascript tutorials and examples . . .
These are the first topics on which Ted wants to gather together notes. Hard to remember all details regarding pitfalls encountered, solutions found, and ideas for improving the configuration and use experience of these softwares . . . - TMH