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Projectos de 2023

^ Projects

Larger outdoor maintenance and projects 2023 . . .

^ Details

2023 large project details . . .

(1) Retaining wall cut out

    [x] Mark and measure desired cut out
    [x] Call and compare concrete cutting services
    [x] called Concrete Sawing company of Clackamas County
    [x] calls on 3-27, 3-31, ..., 4-13, 4-14 on site visit, 4-17 receive quote
    [x] clear any additional space needed for cutting service providers
    [x] cutting completed
    [x] payment for cutting completed
    [x] debris removal
    [ ] create French drain feature behind exposed wall
    [ ] backfill and mulch behind cut wall
    [ ] measure and design temporary work ramp for front side of wall
    [ ] build step for front side of wall at lowest cut out


(2) cherry tree pruning

    [x] created on-line request for tree removal estimate
    [x] esitmates at ~2k
    [x] top branch removal by hand started 4-2
      [x] pruning 4-2, 4-3, 4-5, 4-8

    [x] major pruning complete
    [ ] branch clean up, branch recycling 4-4, 4-10, 4-11, 4-16, 4-18, 4-28, 4-29, 5-1


(3) Apple tree planting:

    [ ] yellow tall bearded iris seedling move to center terrace
    [ ] site / locate in ground place for apple tree
    [ ] new terrace marking and measurement about apple tree site
    [ ] first stage soil removal including hole for tree planting
    [ ] retaining wall about area of first stage soil removal
    [ ] tree planting
    [ ] second stage / tier soil removal
    [ ] retaining wall construction at second stage tier
    [ ] third stage / tier soil remove
    [ ] retaining wall construction at third stage tier


(4) prepare in ground aloe site for planting

    [x] dying rhododendron removal underway
      [] dig and pot naturally air layered branch, appears healthy

    [2/6] six white oak seedlings removal
    [ ] retaining wall stones placed to create terrace at this site
    [ ] soil and river sand mix addition


(5) front bed backfill at original aster planting location

    [x] all divisions of aster clump dug and lifted
    [ ] 0 boxed and given away
    [ ] 4 of n transplanted
      [x] aster replanted at original planting location
      [ ] aster transplanted to foot of late flowering lilac
      [ ] aster transplanted to foot of piernas shrub next to deck
      [1/2] aster transplanted to backyard north fence

    [ ] 0/n potted


(6) white shale stone placement, top terrace wall build

    [x] one of two stone groups moved to top of hill
    [i] middle top terrace wall construction underway
    [ ] middle top terrace backfill complete


(7) red fence repairs

    [x] post reseating
    [i] board reattachment
    [ ] English ivy removal
    [ ] poison oak removal
    [i] ground leveling
    [ ] retaining wall east higher side
    [ ] retaining wall west lower side

^ New plantings tasks

[ ] locate site or sites for sunflowers
[ ] locate site for green gladiolas of march 12
[ ] locate site for yellow squash
[ ] locate site for pumpkins
[ ] locate site for lettuce

[ ] Clear potted plants and tables from front yard up to north of chimney, and palm tree in front of chimney

[ ] Clear and level space between chimney and original late flowering lilac type tree, original in 2016 tree in front bed

[ ] Site and locate spaces for two raised planter boxes, for above summertime vegetable planting north of sandbox

^ Smaller tasks

[ ] purple aster dividing

    [x] eight divisions made, five or six more needed
    [4/n] locate and prepare / dig holes for four divisions
      [x] original Parkrose aster planting spot at front retaining wall
      [x] north fence back yard
      [ ] north fence back yard, start of NE corner retaining wall to be
      [x] low spot ladder store by house, two count places
      [ ] foot of palm tree, north fench back yard
      [ ] downspout northwest and front corner of house

    [ ] pot up four divisions for later sharing and sale
    [x] remove smaller pieces and starts from area
    [x] replant one division near original planting location, further back from street side retaining wall

[ ] pot up French lavender starts

    [i] 4 of 8 potted in one gallon pots

^ [i] Create terrace at top red fence, between white fir and maple tree

    [x] move white shale stones to top middle terrace
    [ ] create top middle terrace with shale pieces
    [ ] flatten top at level of red fence

[ ] strawberry flats preparation

[x] gleditsia tree lift and pot from strawberry row

[i] Saint John's wort removal from strawberry row

[ ] Saint John's wort removal from backyard slope

[ ] cactus repotting

    [x] ~3-24 notocactus magnificus, lemon yellow flowers (tv repair ~2000)
    [x] ~3-18 notocactus haselbergii, "Sweetheart cactus"
    [x] ~4-05 earliest barrel cactus from Portland Nursery Division Street location, cactus not ribbed
    [x] ~4-07 notocactus elegans
    [ ]
    [ ] cactus de Veris

^ High Country Gardens

Plant or pot up HCG perrenial flowers . . .

    [x] red columbine
    [ ] perennial verbena 2x
    [x] cherry skullcap
    [ ] monardella 2x

[x] pot up and together narcissus and pansies

^ white oak saves

White oak tree seedling salvage . . .

    [x] 4-17 large ~3-year white oaks potted, two count (severe root loss, watch for recovery)
    [x] 4-17 one-year oak potted in one-gallon
    [x] 4-18 one-year oaks potted, two count, one with 40cm long tap root into three-gallon pot (watch for recovery)
    [x] 4-19 single one-year oak to one-gallon pot
    [x] 4-24 half of south most collection of white oak seedlings moved to foot of piernas
    [x] 4-25 one year seedling to 3-gallon pot, with tiny creme and yellow narcissus from 57th street house
    [x] 5-4 oak by peach colored tea rose, front entry way (potted with next)
    [x] 5-4 oak by ipheon bulbs (potted with prior)
    [ ] oak under original carnation
    [ ] oak in fescue by AB iris "Desert Jubilee"
    [ ] oak in strawberry row east end
    [ ] oak at downspout drain pipe end north backyard
    [ ] oak at lowest trillium
    [ ] oak at foot of deck

^ Potting and Repotting

[ ] agave montana de 28th street
[ ] agave bracteosa de Silver Hill Seeds
[ ] Japanese maples behind garage
[x] green gladiolas in water, ten count
[x] iris unguicularis
[ ] windmill palm seedlings atop gravel pile
[ ] AB Desert Diamond
[ ] AB Hannah's Prayer

^ Planting In Ground

Following plants noted for planting out individually in permanent places, and also some noted for "rowing out" or planting in rows for better growth:

[x] Japanese maple under pruned cherry tree
[ ] Ponderosa pine near same cherry tree
[ ] Ponderosa pine halfway up south side backyard hill
[ ] Japanese maple south hill just above trilliums
[x] Pacific waterleaf by garage downspout
[ ] unidentified thorny small tree near ostrich plume fern behind garage
[ ] aloe maculata to edge of front porch
[ ] agastache de HCG, two-gallon white pot on porch
[ ] volunteer agastache from 57th street, in pot with iris suaveolens "Mellita Vandee"
[ ] apple trees de S and T located behind kitchen
[ ] snake plantain orchids, two count - locate one at front walkway garage corner
[ ] hemerocallis seedlings, two pots
[ ] iris seedlings bearded, three pots
[ ] iris seedlings beardless, two pots
[ ] columbine seedlings, one pot
[ ] mint plants two types, two pots total
[ ] relocate geum triflorum from underneath agave ovatifolia

^ To Purchase

[ ] "Geotech" or comparable fabric roll
[25/n] medium size retaining blocks
[x] raised bed cornerstones 8 of 8
[ ] lumber for one raised vegetable bed



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