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Maseeh College of Engineering EE, CE, CS Programs:
Course offerings by term:
Determine terms available for some of the following courses:
CORE ECE 540 System on a Chip Design with FPGAs ECE 544 Embedded System Design with FPGAs ECE 558 Embedded Systems Programming EE 560 Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems Current students can complete the track with either ECE 585 or EE 560 DEPTH AND BREADTH COURSE LIST ECE 525 Digital Integrated Circuit Design I ECE 545 Power Electronics Systems Design I ECE 551 Control Systems Design I ECE 552 Control Systems Design II ECE 571 Introduction to System Verilog for Design and Verification ECE 578 Intelligent Robotics I ECE 579 Intelligent Robotics II ECE 581 ASIC Modeling and Synthesis ECE 582 Formal Verification of HW/SW Systems ECE 583 Low Power Digital IC Design ECE 585 Microprocessor System Design ECE 586 Computer Architecture ECE 587 Advanced Computer Architecture I ECE 588 Advanced Computer Architecture II EE 519 Deep Learning Theory and Practice EE 521 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
Informal planning and scheduling
ECE 525 offered Fall Winter
STAT 351 - Winter Spring Summer D D D N ECE 321 - Fall Winter D D