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Determine terms available for some of the following courses:

ECE 540 System on a Chip Design with FPGAs
ECE 544 Embedded System Design with FPGAs
ECE 558 Embedded Systems Programming
EE 560 Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems

Current students can complete the track with either ECE 585 or EE 560

ECE 525 Digital Integrated Circuit Design I
ECE 545 Power Electronics Systems Design I
ECE 551 Control Systems Design I
ECE 552 Control Systems Design II
ECE 571 Introduction to System Verilog for Design and Verification
ECE 578 Intelligent Robotics I
ECE 579 Intelligent Robotics II
ECE 581 ASIC Modeling and Synthesis
ECE 582 Formal Verification of HW/SW Systems
ECE 583 Low Power Digital IC Design
ECE 585 Microprocessor System Design
ECE 586 Computer Architecture
ECE 587 Advanced Computer Architecture I
ECE 588 Advanced Computer Architecture II
EE 519 Deep Learning Theory and Practice
EE 521 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

Informal planning and scheduling

ECE 525 offered Fall Winter

                                           D     D
                                           N     N


 STAT 351     - Winter  Spring  Summer
                   D       D      D
 ECE 321   -                             Fall  Winter
                                           D     D