Modbus notes

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Revision as of 21:35, 12 November 2019 by Ted (talk | contribs)
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- 2019-11-08 FRI -

When working with FreeModbus, be sure to pay attention to the versions of protocol available, and likely, we only want to enable one of these. See Modbus/include/mbconfig.h. See also Modbus/include/mb.h for instructions on how to initialize and begin to use an instance of FreeModbus stack in given program. Also mention that eMBPoll() routine may be set up as a task in an RTOS, to realize the periodic polling which is part of the stack's runtime manifestation . . .

Looks like also this function to register callbacks for end-user-device-specific Modbus registers will be important:

  eMBErrorCode eMBRegisterCB ( UCHAR ucFunctionCode,
    pxMBFunctionHandler pxHandler

This function signature part of documentation found at, which gives Doxygen generated API help in an embedded pane in the browser window on which it is visited.

2019-11-12 Tuesday - trying to figure out how pxMBFunctionHandler is defined . . . from

 typedef eMBException(* 	pxMBFunctionHandler )(UCHAR *pucFrame, USHORT *pusLength)