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* [ ]  weed front bed along curb at foot of retaining wall<br />
* [ ]  weed front bed along curb at foot of retaining wall<br />
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Revision as of 22:09, 15 August 2021

Neela Nurseries tasks 2021

April 30 Friday


    • [ ] repot aloe maculata
    • [ ] pot up aloe ferox
    • [x] pot last salvage TB iris from Cully house
    • [ ] locate in ground place for IB RE Halston
    • [ ] locate/create in ground place for AB Syrian Moon
    • [ ] plant seedlings of yellow form iris douglasiana
    • [ ] plant mint plants in ground
    • [ ] plant PCI "Brevette" in ground
    • clean up and cut downed limbs on back yard hillside

^ Pollinations

2021-06-06 Sunday

Notes here on pollinations . . .

    (1) yellow flowering mammillaria x echinopsis oxygona de Terry N
    (2) echinopsis oxygona x yellow flowering suspected mammillaria de Portland Nursery (diamond mesh thorn node pattern)

URL to a good cactus site: https://hscactus.org/resources/plants-of-the-month/echinopsis-2019/.

^ 2021-08-15 Sunday

  • [ ] repot aloe rietzii
  • [ ] pot last surviving Crawford Oaks willow twig from 2018
  • [ ] pot geraniums with sedums and agave seedlings de 28th Street
  • [ ] pot cyclamen which are awakening in wood chips on first leveled area by blueberries
  • [ ] plant single beargrass north of deck
  • [ ] countersink larger potted beargrasses (lift helebor under pink rhododendron
  • [ ] move echinacea seedlings to spot under gumi berry
  • [ ] weed front bed along curb at foot of retaining wall