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m (Nordic Yabby Edge article.)
m (Adding some temporary notes on private Docker registry pull, for work on CP team how-to document.)
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Neela Nurseries notes jump point
Neela Nurseries notes jump point
<i> started 2019-09-16 </i>
<i> started 2019-09-16 </i>
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2021-06-30 Wednesday docker work
16 ted@indulkana:~$ docker pull docker-registry.neelanurseries.com/ubuntu-20-04-lts:version-0p0
17 version-0p0: Pulling from ubuntu-20-04-lts
18 61e03ba1d414: Pull complete
19 4afb39f216bd: Pull complete
20 e489abdc9f90: Pull complete
21 999fff7bcc24: Pull complete
22 Digest: sha256:114bbce1997fa476da56c3958cb3ca13269a54b0a97dfd3667543c7778287bf2
23 Status: Downloaded newer image for docker-registry.neelanurseries.com/ubuntu-20-04-lts:version-0p0
24 docker-registry.neelanurseries.com/ubuntu-20-04-lts:version-0p0
25 ted@indulkana:~$ docker images
26 REPOSITORY                                            TAG          IMAGE ID      CREATED      SIZE
27 docker-registry.neelanurseries.com/ubuntu-20-04-lts  version-0p0  065cf14a189c  12 days ago  135MB
28 ted@indulkana:~$ docker run 065cf14a189c
30 ted@indulkana:~$ docker run -i -t 065cf14a189c
31 root@7d494ccfe013:/# which hostname
32 /bin/hostname
33 root@7d494ccfe013:/# hostname
34 7d494ccfe013
35 root@7d494ccfe013:/# ls /etc
36 X11                    dbus-1          group        insserv.conf.d  login.defs      os-release  rc3.d        shadow      tmpfiles.d
37 adduser.conf            debconf.conf    gshadow      issue          logrotate.d    pam.conf    rc4.d        shells      udev
38 alternatives            debian_version  host.conf    issue.net      lsb-release    pam.d      rc5.d        skel        update-motd.d
39 apt                    default        hostname      kernel          machine-id      passwd      rc6.d        subgid      xdg
40 bash.bashrc            deluser.conf    hosts        ld.so.cache    mke2fs.conf    profile    rcS.d        subuid
41 bash_completion.d      dhcp            init          ld.so.conf      modules-load.d  profile.d  resolv.conf  sysctl.conf
42 bindresvport.blacklist  dpkg            init.d        ld.so.conf.d    mtab            rc.local    rmt          sysctl.d
43 binfmt.d                environment    inputrc      legal          networks        rc0.d      securetty    systemd
44 cron.daily              fstab          insserv      libaudit.conf  nsswitch.conf  rc1.d      security    terminfo
45 cron.weekly            gai.conf        insserv.conf  localtime      opt            rc2.d      selinux      timezone
46 root@7d494ccfe013:/# uptime
47  06:11:33 up 13 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.23, 0.23
48 root@7d494ccfe013:/# ls /home
49 root@7d494ccfe013:/# ls /root
50 root@7d494ccfe013:/# cd
51 root@7d494ccfe013:~# pwd
52 /root
<!-- comment -->
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Revision as of 17:57, 30 June 2021

Neela Nurseries notes jump point started 2019-09-16


Topics noted:


  target extended localhost:4242


OOCD_CFG = oocd.cfg
GDB_OOCD_CFG = gdboocd.cmd
GDB_STL_CFG = gdbstl.cmd
SERIAL_RAW != echo -e "$(SERIAL)"

write: $(APP_HEXFILE) write_ocd

#	openocd -s $(BOARDDIR) -f $(OOCD_CFG) -c "hla_serial $(SERIAL); program $(APP_HEXFILE) verify reset exit"
	openocd -s $(BOARDDIR) -f $(OOCD_CFG) -d3 -c "hla_serial $(SERIAL); program $(APP_HEXFILE) verify reset exit"

	st-flash --serial=$(SERIAL_RAW) --reset --format ihex write $(APP_HEXFILE)

gdb: $(GDB_ELF) gdb_ocd

	$(TRGT)gdb -q $(shell pwd)/$(GDB_ELF) -cd $(BOARDDIR) -ex "target remote | openocd -f oocd.cfg -c 'hla_serial $(SERIAL); gdb_port pipe'" -x $(GDB_OOCD_CFG)

	$(TRGT)gdb -q $(shell pwd)/$(GDB_ELF) -cd $(TOOLCHAIN) -x ./$(GDB_STL_CFG)

	picocom -b 115200 /dev/serial/by-id/usb-STMicroelectronics_STLINK-V3_$(SERIAL_RAW)-if02


monitor stm32f0x.cpu configure -rtos chibios
monitor reset halt

--- 2021 mid-June ordered STM32 dev boards:

 2	NUCLEO-F401RE	3	$13.55	$40.65
 3	NUCLEO-L432KC	3	$10.54	$31.62

--- Python and barcode scanning,

  • Unix cut command example:
   $ grep -n zzz *cal-419* | grep 'NO2 averaged A-to-D' | cut -d" " -f 9
  $ grep -n zzz *cal-421* | grep 'NO2 averaged' >> z--cal-4-2-1--no2-averaged-a-to-d-counts-to-plot.txt

^ QCustomPlot references

Notes and links relating to QCustomPlot sofware, second link here is to the starting or main documentation page for QCustomPlot classes and their relation to Qt classes and code framework:

Code snippet from basic plotting tutorial:

// add title layout element:
customPlot->plotLayout()->addElement(0, 0, new QCPTextElement(customPlot, "Way too many graphs in one plot", QFont("sans", 12, QFont::Bold)));

2019-09-23 . . .

Plot building at community garden:

^ Local ecosystems and geology

2019-12-19 Thursday


^ plant descriptions to move to NN page


    French lavender starts in four-inch starter pots, for sale by Milwaukie area gardener. Selling for three dollars ($3) a start.

    A Mediterranean native, French lavendar (lavendula stoechas) once established is extremely drought tolerant. Under normal conditions in Portland area, no need to water or fertilize this plant after its first year in the ground.

    Likes full sun, and open space with good air circulation. Attracts bumble bees, honeybees, and orchard mason bees.

    This plant grows for several years, it is perennial. Older plants may need be replaced from time to time, if a larger branch or branches should break. Slow to moderate growth rate. Not always able to fill in a void if a branch breaks near the plant's base.

    Cash-only sales and PayPal accepted. If you have questions about these plants feel free to write us and ask.

^ Harry Potter and AllClassical dot Org

11:59 am - Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Fawkes the Phoenix

Williams, John

Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gustavo Dudamel

DG 002993902

11:54 am - Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Original Score): Har

Williams, John

Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gustavo Dudamel

DG 002993902

^ movie and pop culture


Excerpt from https://www.history-a2z.com/abandoned-places/13/?xcmg=1 . . .

Fishing Hut On A lake In Germany Deep within the mountains of the Berchtesgaden National Park sits a deserted old fishing hut resting on the waters of the Obersee Lake. By the time it was rediscovered the hut had been completely emptied with no signs as to who the previous owners were or when it was built. Nestled in such beautiful scenery, you can imagine the joy it must be to sit in total peace and quiet and fish from the surrounding waters.

Computer Security


2021-06-30 Wednesday docker work

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