Difference between revisions of "Containers and virtual machines"

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m (^ References: noting x86_64 Linux pre-compiled arm gcc, and source tarball, and checksums for each of these.)
(^ Oracle Corporation VirtualBox software: In host BIOS must enable VT-x or AMD-v to run virtual machines, blog post 62339.)
Line 156: Line 156:
*  virtual machine  . . . the hosting environment which VirtualBox creates for given guest OS
*  virtual machine  . . . the hosting environment which VirtualBox creates for given guest OS
NOTE!  An important BIOS feature and setting to permit virtual machines to run at all using VirtualBox &gt;= 6.1.0 is detailed here at forums dot virtualbox dot org, topic equals 62339:
*  https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=62339
To set up shared folders in VirtualBox instances, see VirtualBox documentation chapter 4 at the first following URL.  There are also some needed steps detailed in same Oracle documentation, chapter 2, second URL here:
To set up shared folders in VirtualBox instances, see VirtualBox documentation chapter 4 at the first following URL.  There are also some needed steps detailed in same Oracle documentation, chapter 2, second URL here:

Revision as of 17:35, 16 June 2021

Unix and Linux config :: Containers :: Clusters :: <link>

^ Container Software

A promising starting point, collection of six articles / tutorials on Docker containers:

 *  https://medium.com/sysf/docker/home

A general note following about three days' Docker container experimentation, and to question "should I be using a Docker container interactively, running multiple apps, some simultaneously?". (Note the following forum post chain is a quagmire of issues and opions!):

 *  https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7950326

^ Docker starting point

Notes on Docker containerizing software. Note, to get a practical start it is a good and or needed step to create a user account with Docker dot com. Single user and free accounts with some advanced Docker features disabled are available. A good starting tutorial for beginners is written by one Brian Hogan of Digital Ocean, this article published 2018 July 5. First reference in list here:

Ted noting too there may be a daily limit to the number of docker images which a user with a free account can push to Docker's image repository. Docker's image repository provides URLs of the form https://hub.docker.com/u/<user_name>, where username is the given person's Docker account user name.

^ specific commands

Start a docker image with access to a particular host directory:

^ docker commit ...

^ docker push <image_identifier_string_and_optional_tag>

Series of docker push invocations for a work-in-progress image. Note the tag names are optional until one needs push an image that's being amended, such that it is a newer or different version of an existing image on the remote Docker repository:

  886  docker push tedhavelkaad0602/ubuntu-git-plus-arm-none-eabi-gcc
  932  docker push tedhavelkaad0602/ubuntu-git-plus-arm-none-eabi-gcc:version-0p2
  944  docker push tedhavelkaad0602/ubuntu-git-plus-arm-none-eabi-gcc:version-0p3
  962  docker push tedhavelkaad0602/ubuntu-git-plus-arm-none-eabi-gcc:version-0p4
  965  docker push tedhavelkaad0602/ubuntu-git-plus-arm-none-eabi-gcc:version-0p5

Delete a Docker repository on Docker hub:

^ docker container rm [...], docker image rm [...]

Delete (remove) a local Docker image . . . first must remove all local containers which use given image:

Commands which worked locally:

 1036  docker ps -a
 1037  docker container rm bdc45e3021ad
 1038  docker ps -a
 1039  docker container rm 3899ce3b4c5f 85206c6c2565
 1040  docker ps -a
 1041  docker container rm e530246d9393 775ef655da0f 51a5967aecf8
 1042  docker ps -a
 1047  docker image rm tedhavelkaad0602/ubuntu-04-vim--openssh-server--man-db
 1048  docker images
 1049  docker image rm tedhavelkaad0602/ubuntu-nodejs-net-tools
 1050  docker images

Secure shell into, or otherwise connect with a running Docker container in and of a Linux environment:

A couple examples of running second bash instance of a given Docker container, not a login, but provides second interactive window or interface to a given Docker container:

^ docker exec [options] [command_in_container]

  937  docker exec -t -i a42e2e801d60 bash
  938  docker exec -i -t 51a5967aecf8 bash

Note this can have unintended consequences given that there's no ssh server running to handle multiple, or additional logins!

-- Enable USB access in Docker container --

^ Docker volumes


^ Anatomy of a Dockerfile

Ok Ted needs to figure out what are Dockerfiles and how should they be authored and maintained. One example that's annotated:

A link to a Docker based project which comes very close to what we're working on for an embedded development toolchain and environment that's fully tracked, easy to reproduce on demand:

^ Promising Docker images

^ to access physical devices within container

^ Kubernetes Container Software

Kubernetes notes 2021-06-09 This section a stub section.

^ Oracle Corporation VirtualBox software

VirtualBox on-line manual