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Notes this section:<br />
Notes this section:<br />
1)  2019-12-16 Monday, potted largest yet, two-year lavendula stoechas with large faster growth habit.  Notable root loss but about fifteen medium size roots observed, and little native soil remaining on plant after digging.  This will be a real test of whether larger l. stoechas can survive and thrive after transplant of larger plants.
1)  2019-12-16 Monday, potted largest yet, two-year lavendula stoechas with large faster growth habit.  Notable root loss but about fifteen medium size roots observed, and little native soil remaining on plant after digging.  This will be a real test of whether larger l. stoechas can survive and thrive after transplant of larger plants.

Revision as of 22:38, 8 January 2020

NN 2018


This wiki article holds Neela Nurseries' task notes and a couple of lists of things. A couple of general tasks not listed on a given season of the year include taking an inventory of plants potted and in ground, and creating a document which extends the inventory to list of plants and each one's care and time requirements.

In the seasonal projects sections, completed tasks gets a check mark which is shown by the HTML character code &#x2714;.

^ Native plants at Neela Nurseries

The list of native plants both found on site and gathered now growing at Neela Nurseries includes:

Lily, irid and iris . . .

  • prosartes hookeri, "fairy bells"
  • trillium
  • Sisyrinchium douglasii "widow grass"
  • Sisyrinchium bellum
  • iris tenax
  • iris douglasiana

Rose family . . .

  • rubus ursinus, native blackberry
  • fragaria virginiana
  • fragaria chiloensis, beach strawberry
  • spirea douglasii

Helechos, ferns . . .

  • sword fern
  • licorice fern

Succulents . . .

  • sedum oregonum
  • stonecrop grey and dusty
  • sedum lanceolata
  • worm leaf stonecrop

Parsnip family . . .

  • cow parsnip
  • lomatium columbiana

Other . . .

  • snake plantain
  • snow queen

- - - - - - - - - -

  • beaked moss
  • oak moss (arboreal)
  • step moss

Cool photo of curated living mosses at a Japanese temple:

Some further information sites on mosses:

^ Iris seedlings underway

Following are iris seed and seedlings planted and underway . . . also in this section references to some of the parent iris plants both hybrid and species.

cerca 2010

  • TB Cross Current x AB Turkish Tangent, pollinated ~2010, first flower 2017, second flower May 2018, eleven stems May 2019
  • Aitken's tangerine IB sdlg A22M72 * AB Desert Plum, pollinated ~2010, first flower 2017, second flower May 2018 (3)
  • TB Alcazar x AB Desert Plum, first flower 2017 and no flowers in 2018, retrieved in 2018 late August from side of Veris gardens (2)


  • ASI No. 58, planted 2012-12-25, "58 | O | Autropurpurae mixed populations HP | YS | 2008"


  • TB Shrieners' ruffled yellow (no id) x TB RE I'm Back, planted early 2016 . . . potted 2017, need to be rowed out!


  • AB Aril Skyline x TB "Baker's Creek Blue" (note 1)


  • 2018-11-18 planted, AB Hannah's Prayer x AB Desert Diamond (1 ct germinated)
  • [2018-12-01] ASI 2016 No. 41 - X Dardanus x iberica elegantissima
  • [2018-12-01] ASI 2016 No. 42 - mesopotamica - cultivated plant, OP (2 ct germinated)
  • [2018-12-01] ASI 2018 No. 12 - AB Enchanter's Spell x OP (1 ct germinated)
  • [2018-12-01] ASI 2018 No. 22 - AB Signal Butte x OP
  • 2018-01-15 I. douglasiana yellow form

2019-04 . . .

  • (NN) SB Hannah's Prayer x AB Desert Diamond (1 ct germinated)
  • (NN) TB Alcazar x TB no id "Baker's Creek Blue" (4 ct germinated)
  • (NN) TB Alcazar seedling "alba" x TB Gypsy Lady (8 to 10 ct germinated)
  • (NN) TB no id, Art Roy's purple and white plicata x I. stolonifera (3 ct germinated)
  • (NN) AB Aril Skyline x TB Alcazar (6 ct germinated over two months, 5 visibly remaining)

Parent iris hybrids and cultivars:

Notes: (1) pot planted in or around 2018 January or March forgotten in freezer until late August of same year. One seedling appears in September 2018, second seedling appears in late December 2018.
(2) one of four seedlings in this cross retrieved, and actually this seedling flowered either in 2018 or both prior year and 2018.
(3) this seedling dubbed 'Aril Rose', flowered 2017 and 2018 but we only saw 2018 flower due to plant location.

^ Archived tasks

^ 2019 - 2020 winter tasks

2019-12-16 Monday - Autumn tasks renamed and moved to "winter tasks".

    East side . . .
      Tasks entered October 23:
    • [ ] locate all potted perennials which can winter over in the shade:
        [ ] deciduous trees, [ ] day lilies, [ ] ferns
    • [✔] pot Marionberries about firepit
    • [ ] place potted Marionberries, blueberries on south slope and mound with wood chips

    West Side . . .

      Tasks entered October 23:
    • [ 2/n ] in front bed lift and transplant or remove extra volunteer lavendula stoechas - 2/n see note 1 this section.
    • [ 1/2 ] remove knifophia with weak stems, extra brief flowering period
    • [ ] remove TB Tropical Midnight with suspected virus
    • [ ] remove AB Persian Sapphire same reason
    • [ ] complete removal of grass affected by red thread fungus
    • [ ] clean up weeds, rust prone fescue grasses near daphne
    • [ ] trim and mulch daphne
    • [ ] weed and level lawn repair area where sheep sorrel removed
    • [ ] remove volunteer raspberry canes from grey water feature
    • [ ] lift and bundle spirea from below grey water feature, mulch with wood chips

^ potting up

    • [ ] agave montana de 2018 HPSO sale
    • [ 1/2 ] two oldest aloe brevifolia
    • [ ✔ 5/5 ] aloe brevifolia de HD 2019 - several offsets lost due to suspect bacterial rot
    • [ ] agave albapilosa
    • [ 3/5 ] scented geranium de visita a Bonneville Dam - 2019-12-17 Tue,
    • [ 4/8 ] San Paulia rooted leaves
    • [ ✔ 3/3 ] agave parryi offsets potted - ~2019-12-18, 2020-01-05 Sun
    • [ ✔ ] aloe dichotoma, second year buy in 2018, after first purchase of three-branched A. dichotoma. 2020-01-05 potted up to 6 inch round
    • [ ✔ ] four volunteer kniphofia potted in 4 inch starter pot. 2020-01-07 Tuesday

Notes this section:
1) 2019-12-16 Monday, potted largest yet, two-year lavendula stoechas with large faster growth habit. Notable root loss but about fifteen medium size roots observed, and little native soil remaining on plant after digging. This will be a real test of whether larger l. stoechas can survive and thrive after transplant of larger plants. </font>

^ planting in ground

    • [ ] agave montana de 2018 HPSO sale
    • [ 0/2 ] magnave 'Blue Mammoth'
    • [ 0/2 ] kniphofia Hirsuta, late flowering
    • [ ] Ipheon white form, needs move to open space

^ 2019 seeds to plant

New seeds . . .

  • [✔] milk vetch, de Dalles Mountain - planted 2019-11-02
  • [✔] Dalles Mountain, Crawford Oaks fuzzy lupine - planted 2019-11-02
  • [ ] Newport Bay tree lupine
  • [✔] lomatium martindelii - planted about 15 count 2019-11-08
  • [✔] yellow form iris douglasiana - planted about 50 count 2019-11-08
  • [ ] Indian Paintbrush gathered 2019-09-02, de Abraham Plain / Lava Canyon

bearded iris . . .

  • [ 1/3 ] ruffled yellow tall bearded iris crosses
  • [ ] 2018 AB Aril Skyline seed capsule
  • [✔] 2019 AB Anacrusis OP - planted about 9 count 2019-11-08
  • [ ] 2018 (TB no ID blue at Mike and Andee x TB Winter Waltz)
  • [ ] 2018 (TB Alcazar seedling "Alcazar Alba" x TB Gypsy Lady) note: may wait til 2020 November on these - tmh

Germination tests . . .

  • [✔] 2017 cerca May kniphofia, some flowers crossed with aloe maculata - planted 2019-11-02

^ Short term tasks

2019-10-23 - Need to update short term tasks list, remove finished ones: - TMH

    • [✔] a dozen echinacea dug and wrapped for Morel guide,
    • [ ] pick up and recycle / discard all cartons yogurt and otherwise used for rooting plants in water
    • [ ] gather all empty or presently idle pots, stack and store
    • [✔] plant seed of yellow iris douglasiana
    • [✔] plant remaining seed of hardy cyclamin de Francis street
    • [✔] plant aloe ecklonis x aloe nobilis seeds
    • [✔] repot kiwi seedlings de T with licorice fern volunteers
    • [✔] repot and pot up a size ferocactus latispinus purchased ~2018-Nov and has some rust fungus injury
    • [✔] plant 2018 day lily cross seeds (Those from parent hemerocalis "Tropical Sunset" planted, gernimated, rowed out in new terrace de nivel dos)

^ Buckets

Notes on buckets now moved to cubetas page.

Guidance on wiki table syntax found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Table#Whole_table_operations.

^ Plant descriptions

Following plant descriptions are for plants either sold out or temporarily not available in the size and form described:

  • Agapanthus, also called "Lily of the Nile", pot of about eight seedlings. Being seedlings we cannot say what color or tint the flowers will have, but a couple siblings of these shows light, light blue flowers. Lily of the Nile generally give blue flowers. There is also a white flowering cultivar in commerce, and some dark blue and dark purple variants of this tough, South African origin plant.

Trouble getting this one into the database 2018-12-03 . . . ah, must have some fields filled in on 'data' tab, and maybe 'links' tab in product editing pages! - TMH

  • Echinopsis oxygona, a barrel type cactus with very stubby short thorns. We've only grown this plant for a couple of years, and only small ones, but we have observed the beautiful and fragrant pink flowers a couple of times now on this safer less thorny cactus family member. In Pacific Northwest this plant will pretty much always be a container plant. One-year to two-year plants for sale for five dollars each, three year E. oxygona selling for eight dollars each. More info coming soon . . .

Active not side-lined . . .

Strawberries potted:

    Strawberry plants potted and for sale. Some in one-gallon pots, some in smaller starter pots. For sale by Milwaukie gardener selling these for one dollar ($1) each. We normally sell these for a little more but we're putting on a sale for the time being.
    Organically grown and cared for, no sprays or chemicals used.
    These strawberries are established in their pots, and won't miss a beat being planted in the ground anytime now. Our Willamette Valley weather is mild most of the year. Well rooted perennials in pots we can plant just about anytime the ground is not frozen.

Agave bracteosa:

    Two year agave bracteosa plant for sale, Milwaukie gardener selling for eight dollars ($8). Thornless hardy agave, can be planted in ground or grown as container specimen. An unusual agave that is underutilized in gardens in general. People-friendly and pet-friendly, soft leaves. Moderate growth rate, over a few years in well-drained garden spot will reach up to about 24 inches diameter, little bigger maybe, and about 15 inches tall. Grows best with some protection from overhead winter and early spring time rains. Mostly a foliage plant. Monocarpic (blooms once) but grows side plants, sometimes called "pups" in the intervening years up to flowering.

Lily of the Nile smaller form:

    Lily of the Nile plants, in two-gallon and three-gallon pots. For sale by Milwaukie gardener. Mature plants which are blooming size. This type of Lily of the Nile has light blue flowers in July and early August, atop eighteen-inch to twenty four-inch stems. One of the smaller and cold hardier forms of Lily of the Nile (agapanthus). May die back to ground in harder Pacific Northwest frost event, but easy to mulch before such times to protect the current leaves on the plant. Cash-only sales and PayPal accepted. Questions welcome.

Lavendula stoechas:

    French lavendar plants (lavendula stoechas) potted in one-gallon pots, for sale by Milwaukie gardener. One-gallon plants, one-year old for sale for six dollars each ($6). We have some smaller lavendulas in four-inch starter pots, selling for three dollars ($3) each. We like lavendula for its low-water needs, once established, and because it is a great nectar source for bees during May - June, and again early autumn. Flower color varies from light lavender and pink shades to dark purple. Lighter shades of color in the flower are more common in our plants. While the small plants are only a few inches tall right now, we have found that once planted in the ground with good draining full sun, the lavendula stoechas often grow to a foot tall by early autumn. Sometime even larger in one summer and fall period. Organically grown, no sprays or synthetic chemicals used in growing these plants. Cash-only sales and PayPal accepted. Questions about these plants welcome.

Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 7:33 AM<br />
2019 arilbred iris donations, plant donations to ASI:

   *  AB Domingo, 2 count
   *  AB Sanaa Rose, 3 count
   *  AB Wine and Lilac, 1 ct
   *  AB Kalifa's Robe, 2 ct
   *  AB Hannah's Prayer, 1 ct
   *  AB Bridesmaid's Apparel, 2 ct

^ References to Add

HTML . . .

Specific plants and bulbs identified . . .


Pollen structures . . .

^ Mariposas e insectos

Heliconus butterflies and mimicry

Northwest and Western North America native plants

2018-12-05 - hardy cyclamen, Scottish Rock Garden Club

2018-12-12 - Wedensday

^ Cacti


Plant and lawn diseases

2019-07-23 Tuesday -

2019-07-30 Tuesday -

^ Tropical plants and flowers

Tropical plants and flowers, various families . . .

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