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Maseeh College of Engineering EE, CE, CS Programs:
Maseeh College of Engineering EE, CE, CS Programs:
*  https://www.pdx.edu/electrical-computer-engineering/ms-program-tracks
*  https://www.pdx.edu/electrical-computer-engineering/ms-program-tracks
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Course offerings by term:
Course offerings by term:
*  https://app.banner.pdx.edu/cpg/
*  https://app.banner.pdx.edu/cpg/
College of Engineering computer labs and remote access, VPN:
*  https://cat.pdx.edu/services/network/vpn-services/
*  https://intranet.cecs.pdx.edu/remote_lab/
*  https://cat.pdx.edu/services/software/windows-labs/
Ripple carry adder . . .
*  https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/computer-science/ripple-carry-adder
*  https://www.fpga4student.com/2018/07/verilog-code-for-ripple-carry-adder.html
See also, beyond QuestaSim, EDA Playground and Verilogger . . .
Determine terms available for some of the following courses:
Determine terms available for some of the following courses:
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   [x] ECE 540 System on a Chip Design with FPGAs     2021-2022  -     -   FAL dn WIN d.
   [x] ECE 540 System on a Chip Design with FPGAs                         2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL dn WIN d-
   [x] ECE 544 Embedded System Design with FPGAs     2021-2022 SPR dn -     -     -     also in 2022-2023, ECE 540 is prereq'
   [x] ECE 544 Embedded System Design with FPGAs                           2021-2022 SPR dn --- --  --- --  --- --   prereq ECE 540
   [x] ECE 558 Embedded Systems Programming           2021-2022  -     -     -     WIN .n
   [x] ECE 558 Embedded Systems Programming                               2021-2022  --- --  --- --  --- --  WIN -n   prereq ECE 585, CS 202
   [x] EE 560 Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems   2021-2022 SPR d. -     -     -
   [x] EE 560 Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems                       2021-2022 SPR d- --- --  --- --  --- --
note:  ECE 544 also offered 2022-2023, ECE 540 is prerequisite.
Current students can complete the track with either ECE 585 or EE 560
Current students can complete the track with either ECE 585 or EE 560
   [ ] ECE 525 Digital Integrated Circuit Design I
   [ ] ECE 525 Digital Integrated Circuit Design I                         2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL dn  WIN dn
   [ ] ECE 545 Power Electronics Systems Design I
   [ ] ECE 545 Power Electronics Systems Design I
   [ ] ECE 551 Control Systems Design I
   [ ] ECE 551 Control Systems Design I
   [ ] ECE 552 Control Systems Design II
   [ ] ECE 552 Control Systems Design II
   [x] ECE 571 Introduction to System Verilog for Design and Verification  2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL dn  WIN dn
   [x] ECE 571 Introduction to System Verilog for Design and Verification  2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL dn  WIN dn   no prereq named
   [ ] ECE 578 Intelligent Robotics I
   [ ] ECE 578 Intelligent Robotics I                                     2021-2022  --- --  --- --  ???    --- --
   [ ] ECE 579 Intelligent Robotics II
   [ ] ECE 579 Intelligent Robotics II
   [x] ECE 581 ASIC Modeling and Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL d-  WIN dn
   [x] ECE 581 ASIC Modeling and Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2021-2022  --- --  SUM d-  FAL d-  WIN dn   prereq is ECE 371
   [x] ECE 582 Formal Verification of HW/SW Systems
   [x] ECE 582 Formal Verification of HW/SW Systems                       2021-2022  --- --  ???    --- --  ???
   [x] ECE 583 Low Power Digital IC Design
   [x] ECE 583 Low Power Digital IC Design                                 2021-2022  --- --  --- --  --- --  WIN dn
   [x] ECE 585 Microprocessor System Design                                2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL d-  WIN dn
   [x] ECE 585 Microprocessor System Design                                2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL d-  WIN dn
   [p] ECE 586 Computer Architecture                                      2021-2022  SPR d-  --- --  --- --  WIN dn  585 is prereq
   [p] ECE 586 Computer Architecture                                      2021-2022  SPR d-  --- --  --- --  WIN dn  prereq is 585
   [ ] ECE 587 Advanced Computer Architecture I
   [ ] ECE 587 Advanced Computer Architecture I
   [ ] ECE 588 Advanced Computer Architecture II
   [ ] ECE 588 Advanced Computer Architecture II
   [x] EE 519 Deep Learning Theory and Practice                            NOT FOUND!
   [x] EE 519 Deep Learning Theory and Practice                            Not yet on schedule nor in PSU app.banner.pdx.edu/cpg/ site
   [x] EE 521 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning                NOT FOUND!
   [x] EE 521 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning                Not yet on schedule nor in PSU app.banner.pdx.edu/cpg/ site
<!-- comment -->
<!-- comment -->

Latest revision as of 02:21, 9 April 2021

    Maseeh College of Engineering EE, CE, CS Programs:

    Course offerings by term:

    College of Engineering computer labs and remote access, VPN:

    See also, beyond QuestaSim, EDA Playground and Verilogger . . .

    Determine terms available for some of the following courses:

    ECE 540 System on a Chip Design with FPGAs
    ECE 544 Embedded System Design with FPGAs
    ECE 558 Embedded Systems Programming
    EE 560 Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
    Current students can complete the track with either ECE 585 or EE 560
    ECE 525 Digital Integrated Circuit Design I
    ECE 545 Power Electronics Systems Design I
    ECE 551 Control Systems Design I
    ECE 552 Control Systems Design II
    ECE 571 Introduction to System Verilog for Design and Verification
    ECE 578 Intelligent Robotics I
    ECE 579 Intelligent Robotics II
    ECE 581 ASIC Modeling and Synthesis
    ECE 582 Formal Verification of HW/SW Systems
    ECE 583 Low Power Digital IC Design
    ECE 585 Microprocessor System Design
    ECE 586 Computer Architecture
    ECE 587 Advanced Computer Architecture I
    ECE 588 Advanced Computer Architecture II
    EE 519 Deep Learning Theory and Practice
    EE 521 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

    Informal planning and scheduling


    | ECE 525 offered                           Fall  Winter           |
    |                                             D     D              |
    |                                             N     N              |  prereq's ECE 321 and STAT 351


    | ECE 540 offered                           Fall  Winter           |
    |                                             D     D              |
    |                                             N                    |

    no prerequisites listed

    ECE 544 -- Embedded System Design with FPGAs

    | ECE 544 offered                           Fall  Winter  Spring   |
    |                                                            D     |
    |                                                            N     |

    ECE 558 -- Embedded Systems Programming

    | ECE 558 offered                           Fall  Winter  Spring   |
    |                                                   ?              |
    |                                                   N              |

    Prerequisite ECE 485 or ECE 585. Expected preparation: CS 202 and/or experience with Object-Oriented programming and Java.


    | EE 560 offered                            Fall  Winter  Spring   |
    |                                                            D     |
    |                                                                  |


    | EE 560 offered                            Fall  Winter  Spring   |
    |                                             D     D              |
    |                                             N     N              |

    Course Descriptions as of 2021

    Some detailed course descriptions noted here:

    Introduction to System Verilog for Design and Verification
    ECE 571
    Department: Elect and Computer Engineer
    Introduction to SystemVerilog:
     language features to support both design and verification.
     Good practices for simulation and synthesis, techniques for constructing reusable
     testbenches.   Additional topics may include hardware acceleration and transaction-based
     verification techniques. Course includes homework and significant final project with
     presentation. Familiarity with Verilog and finite state machines required.
     Prerequisites: One of following: ECE 351, ECE 540, ECE 544 or
       ECE 508: Verilog Workshop, or permission of instructor

    ECE 581 - ASIC Modeling and Synthesis

    ASIC: Modeling and Synthesis
    ECE 581
    Department: Elect and Computer Engineer
     Covers the fundamentals of the ASIC design process. The topics include ASIC design Flow,
     basic HDL constructs, test benches, modeling combinational and synchronous logic,
     modeling finite state machines, multiple clock domain designs, qualitative design
     issues, ASIC constructions.
     Prerequisites: ECE 371.

    ECE 586, first of three term series:

    Computer Architecture
    ECE 586
    Department: Elect and Computer Engineer
    An introduction to the key concepts of computer system architecture and design. Topics
     include the design and analysis of instruction set architectures, memory systems, and
     high-performance IO systems; basic CPU implementation strategies; basic pipelined CPU
     implementation; performance analysis; and a survey of current architectures.
     Prerequisite: ECE 485/585.

    ^ Full Program course selection work

    Full program course selection, tentative:

      [x] ECE 540 System on a Chip Design with FPGAs                          2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL dn WIN d-
      [x] ECE 544 Embedded System Design with FPGAs                           2021-2022  SPR dn  --- --  --- --  --- --   prereq ECE 540
      [x] ECE 558 Embedded Systems Programming                                2021-2022  --- --  --- --  --- --  WIN -n   prereq ECE 585, CS 202
      [x] EE 560 Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems                        2021-2022  SPR d-  --- --  --- --  --- --
    note:  ECE 544 also offered 2022-2023, ECE 540 is prerequisite.
    Current students can complete the track with either ECE 585 or EE 560
      [ ] ECE 525 Digital Integrated Circuit Design I                         2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL dn  WIN dn
      [ ] ECE 545 Power Electronics Systems Design I
      [ ] ECE 551 Control Systems Design I
      [ ] ECE 552 Control Systems Design II
      [x] ECE 571 Introduction to System Verilog for Design and Verification  2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL dn  WIN dn   no prereq named
      [ ] ECE 578 Intelligent Robotics I                                      2021-2022  --- --  --- --  ???     --- --
      [ ] ECE 579 Intelligent Robotics II
      [x] ECE 581 ASIC Modeling and Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2021-2022  --- --  SUM d-  FAL d-  WIN dn   prereq is ECE 371
      [x] ECE 582 Formal Verification of HW/SW Systems                        2021-2022  --- --  ???     --- --  ???
      [x] ECE 583 Low Power Digital IC Design                                 2021-2022  --- --  --- --  --- --  WIN dn 
      [x] ECE 585 Microprocessor System Design                                2021-2022  --- --  --- --  FAL d-  WIN dn
      [p] ECE 586 Computer Architecture                                       2021-2022  SPR d-  --- --  --- --  WIN dn   prereq is 585
      [ ] ECE 587 Advanced Computer Architecture I
      [ ] ECE 588 Advanced Computer Architecture II
      [x] EE 519 Deep Learning Theory and Practice                            Not yet on schedule nor in PSU app.banner.pdx.edu/cpg/ site
      [x] EE 521 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning                 Not yet on schedule nor in PSU app.banner.pdx.edu/cpg/ site
