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Notes on Modbus protocol, and references to one or more Modbus protocol libraries, written in C and usable in Unix and Linux envorinments.
<!-- 2024 ENTRY BEGIN -->
The following web site does one of the better jobs of describing Modbus protocol clearly, and with multiple examples.
*  https://ipc2u.com/articles/knowledge-base/modbus-rtu-made-simple-with-detailed-descriptions-and-examples/
This IPC2U site combined with code snippets from a Github gist authored and shared by J Grossholtz is sufficient to write a C program which can make a PC act as a Modbus enabled device.  While compiling an first test program using this library, encountered need to include library path to gcc.
How to specify preference of library path to C compiler and linker:
*  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2726993/how-to-specify-preference-of-library-path
Stackoverflow post showing libmodbus based sender and listener code snippets:
*  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29602698/create-a-simple-client-server-using-modbus-in-c
J. Grossholtz Github gist with modbus server and client sample C programs:
*  https://gist.github.com/JGrossholtz/d1d02a87d535d7772139
comment -->
On systems supporting standard C and its libraries, `libmodbus` may be used to create programs which act as Modbus controllers (sending commands) and or peripherals (responding to commamds).
*  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2726993/how-to-specify-preference-of-library-path
<!-- 2024 ENTRY END -->
This wiki article contains some notes and references on FreeModbus, an opensource C library to support a Modbus protocol stack in stand-alone applications as well as operating system and scheduler based systems.  This article also contains a number of links to more general C language references, which discuss function pointers in C, and the type defining of function pointers.
This wiki article contains some notes and references on FreeModbus, an opensource C library to support a Modbus protocol stack in stand-alone applications as well as operating system and scheduler based systems.  This article also contains a number of links to more general C language references, which discuss function pointers in C, and the type defining of function pointers.
Line 23: Line 47:
Table of contents for local Modbus notes:
Table of contents for local Modbus notes:
<!-- comentario -->
<!-- comentario -->
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"zephyr/samples/subsys/modbus/rtu_client/app.overlay" 15L, 269C
"zephyr/samples/subsys/modbus/rtu_client/app.overlay" 15L, 269C
UART hardware driver types in Zephyr RTOS project:
"doc/hardware/peripherals/uart.rst" 77L, 1979C
<!-- comentario -->
<!-- comentario -->

Latest revision as of 17:04, 2 July 2024


Notes on Modbus protocol, and references to one or more Modbus protocol libraries, written in C and usable in Unix and Linux envorinments.

The following web site does one of the better jobs of describing Modbus protocol clearly, and with multiple examples.

This IPC2U site combined with code snippets from a Github gist authored and shared by J Grossholtz is sufficient to write a C program which can make a PC act as a Modbus enabled device. While compiling an first test program using this library, encountered need to include library path to gcc.

How to specify preference of library path to C compiler and linker:

Stackoverflow post showing libmodbus based sender and listener code snippets:

J. Grossholtz Github gist with modbus server and client sample C programs:

On systems supporting standard C and its libraries, `libmodbus` may be used to create programs which act as Modbus controllers (sending commands) and or peripherals (responding to commamds).


This wiki article contains some notes and references on FreeModbus, an opensource C library to support a Modbus protocol stack in stand-alone applications as well as operating system and scheduler based systems. This article also contains a number of links to more general C language references, which discuss function pointers in C, and the type defining of function pointers.

A few links:

Table of contents for local Modbus notes:

^ Modbus and Zephyr RTOS

"zephyr/samples/subsys/modbus/rtu_client/app.overlay" 15L, 269C

UART hardware driver types in Zephyr RTOS project: "doc/hardware/peripherals/uart.rst" 77L, 1979C

^ Freemodbus Notes from 2019

Note: FreeModbus project uses a variable and routine naming scheme where many names begin with one or two lower-case characters. From context in the file ./modbus/mb.c, it looks like 'uc' may stand for 'unsigned char' data type. The starting lower case 'e' stands for 'enumeration':

62 static UCHAR    ucMBAddress;
63 static eMBMode  eMBCurrentMode;

- 2019-11-08 FRI -

When working with FreeModbus, be sure to pay attention to the versions of protocol available, and likely, we only want to enable one of these. See Modbus/include/mbconfig.h. See also Modbus/include/mb.h for instructions on how to initialize and begin to use an instance of FreeModbus stack in given program. Also mention that eMBPoll() routine may be set up as a task in an RTOS, to realize the periodic polling which is part of the stack's runtime manifestation . . .

Looks like also this function to register callbacks for end-user-device-specific Modbus registers will be important:

  eMBErrorCode eMBRegisterCB ( UCHAR ucFunctionCode,
    pxMBFunctionHandler pxHandler

This function signature part of documentation found at https://www.embedded-solutions.at/en/freemodbus/api-documentation/, which gives Doxygen generated API help in an embedded pane in the browser window on which it is visited.

2019-11-12 Tuesday - trying to figure out how pxMBFunctionHandler is defined . . . from http://www.teamfdi.com/uez/docs/mbproto_8h.html:

 typedef eMBException(* pxMBFunctionHandler )(UCHAR *pucFrame, USHORT *pusLength)

...from this typedef looks like Modbus routines implemented by the end user/end designer must have parameter lists which match "unsigned char pointer, unsigned integer pointer".

2019-11-13 Further search for FreeModbus callback registering code"

downloads/freemodbus/freemodbus-v1.5.0$ grep -nr pxMBFunctionHandler ./*
./modbus/mb.c:226:eMBRegisterCB( UCHAR ucFunctionCode, pxMBFunctionHandler pxHandler )
./modbus/include/mbproto.h:72:typedef         eMBException( *pxMBFunctionHandler ) ( UCHAR * pucFrame, USHORT * pusLength );
./modbus/include/mbproto.h:77:    pxMBFunctionHandler pxHandler;
./modbus/include/mb.h:266:                               pxMBFunctionHandler pxHandler )

And the entire section of typedefs from mbproto.h:

/* ----------------------- Type definitions ---------------------------------*/
    typedef enum
    MB_EX_NONE = 0x00,
    MB_EX_SLAVE_BUSY = 0x06,
} eMBException;

typedef         eMBException( *pxMBFunctionHandler ) ( UCHAR * pucFrame, USHORT * pusLength );

typedef struct
    UCHAR           ucFunctionCode;
    pxMBFunctionHandler pxHandler;
} xMBFunctionHandler;

^ floating point byte order

^ Obscurely defined FreeModbus variables

Where is the following demo/LPC214X/port/port.c variable defined? Does not appear defined in any file of FreeModbus 1.5.0 download. Note however that this may be an LPC microcontroller register name:


See http://www.keil.com/dd/vtr/3880/9794.htm for a brief mention of this term. - TMH

^ Modbus frames and frame handling

This search result may not be directly useful to getting a first modbus routine running and testable:

./modbus/include/mbport.h:109:extern          BOOL( *pxMBFrameCBByteReceived ) ( void );
Binary file ./modbus/include/.mbport.h.swp matches
./modbus/mb.c:85:BOOL( *pxMBFrameCBByteReceived ) ( void );
./modbus/mb.c:153:            pxMBFrameCBByteReceived = xMBRTUReceiveFSM;
./modbus/mb.c:167:            pxMBFrameCBByteReceived = xMBASCIIReceiveFSM;

We notice, however, that in [project]/Modbus/mb.c in routine eMBPoll() there is a switch statement which selects code per events of a state machine. The enumerated event eEvent can take on the value 'EV_FRAME_RECEIVED'. When this occurs, this part of the FreeModbus library calls a function pointer, which is set to one of two functions based on Modbus protocol version RTU or ASCII. The function pointer is named peMBFrameReceiveCur and by assigned in routine eMBPoll() points to eMBRTUReceive.

Search for the Modbus RTU receive frame function:

$ grep -nr eMBRTUReceive ./*
./mb.c:167:            peMBFrameReceiveCur = eMBRTUReceive;
./rtu/mbrtu.c:153:eMBRTUReceive( UCHAR * pucRcvAddress, UCHAR ** pucFrame, USHORT * pusLength )
./rtu/mbrtu.h:40:eMBErrorCode    eMBRTUReceive( UCHAR * pucRcvAddress, UCHAR ** pucFrame, USHORT * pusLength );

This function eMBRTUReceive is defined as follows:

eMBRTUReceive( UCHAR * pucRcvAddress, UCHAR ** pucFrame, USHORT * pusLength )
    BOOL            xFrameReceived = FALSE;
    eMBErrorCode    eStatus = MB_ENOERR;

    assert( usRcvBufferPos < MB_SER_PDU_SIZE_MAX );

    /* Length and CRC check */
    if( ( usRcvBufferPos >= MB_SER_PDU_SIZE_MIN )
        && ( usMBCRC16( ( UCHAR * ) ucRTUBuf, usRcvBufferPos ) == 0 ) )
        /* Save the address field. All frames are passed to the upper layed
         * and the decision if a frame is used is done there.
        *pucRcvAddress = ucRTUBuf[MB_SER_PDU_ADDR_OFF];

        /* Total length of Modbus-PDU is Modbus-Serial-Line-PDU minus
         * size of address field and CRC checksum.
        *pusLength = ( USHORT )( usRcvBufferPos - MB_SER_PDU_PDU_OFF - MB_SER_PDU_SIZE_CRC );

        /* Return the start of the Modbus PDU to the caller. */
        *pucFrame = ( UCHAR * ) & ucRTUBuf[MB_SER_PDU_PDU_OFF];
        xFrameReceived = TRUE;
        eStatus = MB_EIO;

    return eStatus;

So there is also an eMBRTUInit() function,

  eMBRTUInit( UCHAR ucSlaveAddress, UCHAR ucPort, ULONG ulBaudRate, eMBParity eParity )

which itself calls a function named xMBPortSerialInit( ucPort, ulBaudRate, 8, eParity ), but is this actually executing when we start our firmware running?

^ edit point

QUESTION: is this actually executing when we start our firmware running?

ANSWER: according to IAR Workbench yes.

QUESTION: what causes the event 'EV_FRAME_RECEIVED'?

ANSWER: From the following excerpt of pattern matching results, it looks like there is just one place this event gets posted, and this occurs by means of a line of code in mbrtu.c:

Binary file ./Modbus/.mb.c.swp matches
./Modbus/ascii/mbascii.c:294:            xNeedPoll = xMBPortEventPost( EV_FRAME_RECEIVED );
./Modbus/include/mbport.h:42:    EV_FRAME_RECEIVED,          /*!< Frame received. */
./Modbus/mb.c:411:        case EV_FRAME_RECEIVED:
Binary file ./Modbus/rtu/.mbrtu.c.swp matches
./Modbus/rtu/mbrtu.c:340:        xNeedPoll = xMBPortEventPost( EV_FRAME_RECEIVED );

The routine where this happens is:

xMBRTUTimerT35Expired( void )
    BOOL            xNeedPoll = FALSE;

    switch ( eRcvState )
        /* Timer t35 expired. Startup phase is finished. */
    case STATE_RX_INIT:
        xNeedPoll = xMBPortEventPost( EV_READY );

        /* A frame was received and t35 expired. Notify the listener that
         * a new frame was received. */
    case STATE_RX_RCV:
        xNeedPoll = xMBPortEventPost( EV_FRAME_RECEIVED );

        /* An error occured while receiving the frame. */
    case STATE_RX_ERROR:

        /* Function called in an illegal state. */
        assert( ( eRcvState == STATE_RX_INIT ) ||
                ( eRcvState == STATE_RX_RCV ) || ( eRcvState == STATE_RX_ERROR ) );

    vMBPortTimersDisable(  );
    eRcvState = STATE_RX_IDLE;

    return xNeedPoll;

^ edit point - routine xMBRTUTimerT35Expired called?

QUESTION 1 OF 3: Is this timer routine ever running?

ANSWER 1 OF 3: not running per IAR breakpoint at first switch statement!

QUESTION 2 OF 3: What must we implement or at least uncomment in mbportserial.c routine:

xMBPortSerialGetByte( CHAR * pucByte )
#if 0
  while( !( U1LSR & 0x01 ) )

    /* Receive Byte */
    *pucByte = U1RBR;
    return TRUE;

QUESTION 3 OF 3: where among FreeModbus demos appear xMBPortSerialGetByte and xMBRTUTimerT35Expired?

ANSWER 3 OF 3: xMBRTUTimerT35Expired appears in no demos. xMBPortSerialGetByte appears in all or nearly all the demos. We note also at this time that the register name U1RBR appears to be LPC21xx specific, as this does not appear in the LPC11U6x datasheet. Looking now to the serial based Command Line Interface (CLI) code, what may we find for reading single bytes from a UART input buffer there? . . .

QUESTION: what is the "xMBPortSerialGetByte" routine in L S command line interface?


To find the "get byte" equivalent in CLI code, we follow that uart.c routine ___ calls ./lpc_chip/chip_11u6x/uart_0_11u6x.c routine Chip_UART0_ReadRB(), defined:

206 /* Copy data from a receive ring buffer */
207 int Chip_UART0_ReadRB(LPC_USART0_T *pUART, RINGBUFF_T *pRB, void *data, int bytes)
208 {
209         (void) pUART;
211         return RingBuffer_PopMult(pRB, (uint8_t *) data, bytes);
212 }

The routine RingBuffer_PopMult() does not reveal any details about a receive byte register or buffer name for LPC11U6X UART0. But returning to an earlier question about how to link or associate an LPC timer event with an interrupt service routine, we note that in the older, custom modbus.c there is a routine named SilenceTimerCallback(), which may be used for recognizing the 3.5 character width timing delays between Modbus PDUs or data packets. And in uart.c, there is a reference to this function on line 353:

^ edit point - init_uart3 routine calls xTimerCreate

void init_uart3(void)
    /* Shut down for now */

    /* Configure pins */

    /* Enable UART clock */
    LPC_SYSCTL->FRGCLKDIV = 0x1; /* divided by 1 */

    LPC_SYSCTL->PRESETCTRL |= UART3_CLR_RST; /* clear reset on UART3 */

    LPC_USART3->BRG = (CLOCK_FREQUENCY/(16 * MODBUS_RATE)) - 1; /* set baud rate */

                    /*    Enable UART   |     8N1 parity */

    /* Enable UART interrupt bits */

    /* Enable the UART Interrupt */

// 2019-01-21 - Ted removing at pre-compile step some legacy Modbus code:
    //initialize the ring buffers
    RingBuffer_Init(&Modbus_TX_Buffer, (void*)&modbus_tx_buff[0], 1, MODBUS_BUFSIZE_RX);
    RingBuffer_Init(&Modbus_RX_Buffer, (void*)&modbus_rx_buff[0], 1, MODBUS_BUFSIZE_TX);

    //initialize silence timer
    if(ModbusSilenceTimer == 0)
        ModbusSilenceTimer = xTimerCreate("ModbusSilenceTimer",
            10*3*10*1000/MODBUS_RATE, pdFALSE, 0, &SilenceTimerCallback);


^ Modbus register input callback routine

Here is a search history, some searches run in the STR71X demo. These variables and routines look more promising in terms of telling us how to implement a routine of our own which properly ties in with FreeModbus library code. What these variables and routines lead us to examine, is how the code developers, us, using FreeModbus can return data from a device to a meaningful place in memory, which FreeModbus then reads and send out along the physical link layer to a given Modbus master.

From the following searches,

 1004  grep -nr usRegInputBuf ./*
 1005  grep -n pucRegBuffer ./*
 1006  # eMBRegInputCB, third token for which to search

We quickly come to the routine named eMBRegInputCB(). It turns out this routine is implemented in various FreeModbus demos, which is to say it is not a FreeModbus library routine. But part of FreeModbus library source calls or needs to call a routine by this name. So it looks like as users of FreeModbus, we are bound to define a routine by this name and with its enumerated return type and parameter list as defined in freemodbus-v1.5.0/modbus/include/mb.h.

Variable usRegInputBuf is in source file simple2.c a static array of bytes, which hold values that a Modbus function returns,

<./simple2.c:42:static unsigned short usRegInputBuf[REG_INPUT_NREGS];
./simple2.c:76:        usRegInputBuf[0]++;
./simple2.c:79:        usRegInputBuf[1] = ( unsigned portSHORT )( xLastWakeTime >> 16UL );
./simple2.c:80:        usRegInputBuf[2] = ( unsigned portSHORT )( xLastWakeTime & 0xFFFFUL );
./simple2.c:82:        usRegInputBuf[3] = 33;
./simple2.c:99:                ( unsigned char )( usRegInputBuf[iRegIndex] >> 8 );
./simple2.c:101:                ( unsigned char )( usRegInputBuf[iRegIndex] & 0xFF );

We look then at pucRegBuffer because of the following assignments in a callback routine of this demo:

 86 eMBErrorCode
 87 eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
 88 {
 89     eMBErrorCode    eStatus = MB_ENOERR;
 90     int             iRegIndex;
 92     if( ( usAddress >= REG_INPUT_START )
 93         && ( usAddress + usNRegs <= REG_INPUT_START + REG_INPUT_NREGS ) )
 94     {
 95         iRegIndex = ( int )( usAddress - usRegInputStart );
 96         while( usNRegs > 0 )
 97         {
 98             *pucRegBuffer++ =
 99                 ( unsigned char )( usRegInputBuf[iRegIndex] >> 8 );
100             *pucRegBuffer++ =
101                 ( unsigned char )( usRegInputBuf[iRegIndex] & 0xFF );
102             iRegIndex++;
103             usNRegs--;
104         }
105     }
106     else
107     {
108         eStatus = MB_ENOREG;
109     }
111     return eStatus;
112 }

Now the question is, which code calls the routine eMBErrorCode eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )? This routine is not called by any code in this specific demo:

$ grep -nr -A 1 eMBRegInputCB ./*
./excoils.c:130:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./exdisc.c:118:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./exholding.c:86:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./simple2.c:87:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./simple.c:94:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )

Looking now a level or two up and at the FreeModbus library sources . . . there is a longer function in file ./modbus/functions/mbfuncinput.c but worth noting here, as it parses the modbus PDU to figure out what type of PDU read versus write it is, and how many bytes are expected to follow or are being requested. Worth noting the function definition in full here:

/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/

eMBFuncReadInputRegister( UCHAR * pucFrame, USHORT * usLen )
    USHORT          usRegAddress;
    USHORT          usRegCount;
    UCHAR          *pucFrameCur;

    eMBException    eStatus = MB_EX_NONE;
    eMBErrorCode    eRegStatus;

    if( *usLen == ( MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_SIZE + MB_PDU_SIZE_MIN ) ) 
        usRegAddress = ( USHORT )( pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_ADDR_OFF] << 8 );
        usRegAddress |= ( USHORT )( pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_ADDR_OFF + 1] );

        usRegCount = ( USHORT )( pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_REGCNT_OFF] << 8 );
        usRegCount |= ( USHORT )( pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_REGCNT_OFF + 1] );

        /* Check if the number of registers to read is valid. If not
         * return Modbus illegal data value exception. 
        if( ( usRegCount >= 1 ) 
            && ( usRegCount < MB_PDU_FUNC_READ_REGCNT_MAX ) ) 
            /* Set the current PDU data pointer to the beginning. */
            pucFrameCur = &pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF];
            *usLen = MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF;

            /* First byte contains the function code. */
            *pucFrameCur++ = MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER;
            *usLen += 1;

            /* Second byte in the response contain the number of bytes. */
            *pucFrameCur++ = ( UCHAR )( usRegCount * 2 );
            *usLen += 1;

            eRegStatus =
                eMBRegInputCB( pucFrameCur, usRegAddress, usRegCount );

            /* If an error occured convert it into a Modbus exception. */
            if( eRegStatus != MB_ENOERR )
                eStatus = prveMBError2Exception( eRegStatus );
                *usLen += usRegCount * 2;
            eStatus = MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE;
        /* Can't be a valid read input register request because the length
         * is incorrect. */
        eStatus = MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE;
    return eStatus;


user@~/projects/freemodbus-v1.5.0$ grep -nr eMBRegInputCB ./*

./demo/WIN32/demo.cpp:221:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/STR71XGCC/demo.c:101:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/ATSAM3S_FREERTOS/demo.c:168:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/BARE/demo.c:55:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/STR71X/exdisc.c:118:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/STR71X/excoils.c:130:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/STR71X/simple2.c:87:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
Binary file ./demo/STR71X/.simple2.c.swp matches
./demo/STR71X/exholding.c:86:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/STR71X/simple.c:94:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/LPC214X/demo.c:55:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/LINUX/demo.c:264:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/LINUXTCP/demo.c:219:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/MSP430/demo.c:81:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/HCS08/demo.c:149:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/MCF5235TCP/demo.c:129:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/WIN32TCP/demo.cpp:214:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/AVR/demo.c:63:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/AVR/excoils.c:101:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/MCF5235CW/demo.c:92:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/MCF5235/demo.c:71:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/STR71XTCP/demo.c:243:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/ATSAM3S/demo.c:111:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/Z8ENCORE/demo.c:55:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./demo/AT91SAM7X_ROWLEY/demo.c:98:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
./modbus/include/mb.h:101: *   eMBRegInputCB( ).
./modbus/include/mb.h:312:eMBErrorCode    eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress,
./modbus/functions/mbfuncinput.c:96:                eMBRegInputCB( pucFrameCur, usRegAddress, usRegCount );


^ C function pointers and further references

What do we need to pass to eMBRegisterCB()? . . .

2019-11-14 Thursday:

A highlighting test . . .

ted@kalaru:/var/local/ted/projects/lsa/freemodbus-v1.5.0$ grep -nr eMBRegInputCB ./*

  ./demo/WIN32/demo.cpp:221:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/STR71XGCC/demo.c:101:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/ATSAM3S_FREERTOS/demo.c:168:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/BARE/demo.c:55:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/STR71X/exdisc.c:118:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/STR71X/excoils.c:130:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/STR71X/simple2.c:87:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  Binary file ./demo/STR71X/.simple2.c.swp matches

./demo/STR71X/exholding.c:86:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )

  ./demo/STR71X/simple.c:94:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/LPC214X/demo.c:55:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/LINUX/demo.c:264:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/LINUXTCP/demo.c:219:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/MSP430/demo.c:81:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/HCS08/demo.c:149:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/MCF5235TCP/demo.c:129:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/WIN32TCP/demo.cpp:214:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/AVR/demo.c:63:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/AVR/excoils.c:101:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/MCF5235CW/demo.c:92:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/MCF5235/demo.c:71:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/STR71XTCP/demo.c:243:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/ATSAM3S/demo.c:111:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/Z8ENCORE/demo.c:55:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./demo/AT91SAM7X_ROWLEY/demo.c:98:eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
  ./modbus/include/mb.h:101: *   eMBRegInputCB( ).
  ./modbus/include/mb.h:312:eMBErrorCode    eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress,
  ./modbus/functions/mbfuncinput.c:96:                eMBRegInputCB( pucFrameCur, usRegAddress, usRegCount );

^ xFunctionHandlers

This looks important:

  ./modbus/mb.c:95:static xMBFunctionHandler xFuncHandlers[MB_FUNC_HANDLERS_MAX] = {

The full declaration is:

static xMBFunctionHandler xFuncHandlers[MB_FUNC_HANDLERS_MAX] = {
    {MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER, eMBFuncReadInputRegister},
    {MB_FUNC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTER, eMBFuncReadHoldingRegister},
    {MB_FUNC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS, eMBFuncWriteMultipleHoldingRegister},
    {MB_FUNC_WRITE_REGISTER, eMBFuncWriteHoldingRegister},
    {MB_FUNC_READWRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS, eMBFuncReadWriteMultipleHoldingRegister},
    {MB_FUNC_READ_COILS, eMBFuncReadCoils},
    {MB_FUNC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS, eMBFuncWriteMultipleCoils},
    {MB_FUNC_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS, eMBFuncReadDiscreteInputs},

FreeModbus presently supports sixteen function handlers in this array:

 ./include/mbconfig.h:86:#define MB_FUNC_HANDLERS_MAX                    ( 16 )

^ Modbus RTU

2019-11-20 Question: how does FreeModbus RTU protocol version get to the state of "received frame"?

$ grep -nr STATE_RX_RCV ./* | grep -v '^Binary'
./Modbus/ascii/mbascii.c:61:    STATE_RX_RCV,               /*!< Frame is beeing received. */
./Modbus/ascii/mbascii.c:237:    case STATE_RX_RCV:
./Modbus/ascii/mbascii.c:301:            eRcvState = STATE_RX_RCV;
./Modbus/ascii/mbascii.c:321:            eRcvState = STATE_RX_RCV;
./Modbus/ascii/mbascii.c:417:    case STATE_RX_RCV:
./Modbus/ascii/mbascii.c:423:        assert( ( eRcvState == STATE_RX_RCV ) || ( eRcvState == STATE_RX_WAIT_EOF ) );
./Modbus/rtu/mbrtu.c:58:    STATE_RX_RCV,               /*!< Frame is beeing received. */
./Modbus/rtu/mbrtu.c:261:        eRcvState = STATE_RX_RCV;
./Modbus/rtu/mbrtu.c:272:    case STATE_RX_RCV:
./Modbus/rtu/mbrtu.c:339:    case STATE_RX_RCV:
./Modbus/rtu/mbrtu.c:350:                ( eRcvState == STATE_RX_RCV ) || ( eRcvState == STATE_RX_ERROR ) );

In following paragraph, FreeModbus source files are ./mb.c, ./rtu/mbrtu.c, and ./port/mv_portserial.c.

In our case, FreeModbus routine eMBInit() calls routine eMBRTUInit(). Routine eMBRTUInit() seems to ignore the caller's passed Modbus slave device address . . . strange. This routine in turn calls xMBPortSerialInit() with parameters:  ucPort, ulBaudRate, 8, eParity. . . .

Aside question: in the Kargs BACNet stack what does the following line of code carry out?

  # ./BACnet/src/mstp.c:307:                mstp_port->SilenceTimerReset((void *) mstp_port);

^ Implementing eMBRegHoldingCB and eMBRegCoilsCB

With routine eMBRegHoldingCB() implemented for a given project, can we use this as an example to implement eMBRegCoilsCB()? . . .

^ LPC Stuff

How is an LPC11u6x software project able to specify system clock source, and clock speed?

In one project there is, in int main() a first line which calls routine SystemCoreClockUpdate(). There are two files in [project dir | parent to project dir]/Common/lpc_chip/chip_11u6x/ which define this routine. In file [project]/Common/lpc_chip/chip_11u6x/chip_11u6x.c:

288 /* Return main clock rate */
289 uint32_t Chip_Clock_GetMainClockRate(void)
290 {
291         uint32_t clkRate = 0;
293         switch ((CHIP_SYSCTL_MAINCLKSRC_T) (LPC_SYSCTL->MAINCLKSEL & 0x3)) {
294         case SYSCTL_MAINCLKSRC_IRC:
295                 clkRate = Chip_Clock_GetIntOscRate();
296                 break;
299                 clkRate = Chip_Clock_GetSystemPLLInClockRate();
300                 break;
303                 clkRate = Chip_Clock_GetWDTOSCRate();
304                 break;
307                 clkRate = Chip_Clock_GetSystemPLLOutClockRate();
308                 break;
309         }
311         return clkRate;
312 }
314 /* Return system clock rate */
315 uint32_t Chip_Clock_GetSystemClockRate(void)
316 {
317         /* No point in checking for divide by 0 */
318         return Chip_Clock_GetMainClockRate() / LPC_SYSCTL->SYSAHBCLKDIV;
319 }
clock_11u6x.c [dos] (09:59 30/10/2019) 

In file [project]/Common/lpc_chip/chip_11u6x/system_LPC11Uxx.c:

297 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
298   Clock Variable definitions
299  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
300 uint32_t SystemCoreClock = __SYSTEM_CLOCK;/*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock)*/
303 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
304   Clock functions
305  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
306 void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)            /* Get Core Clock Frequency      */
307 {
308   uint32_t wdt_osc = 0;
310   /* Determine clock frequency according to clock register values             */
311   switch ((LPC_SYSCTL->WDTOSCCTRL >> 5) & 0x0F) {
312     case 0:  wdt_osc =       0; break;
313     case 1:  wdt_osc =  500000; break;
314     case 2:  wdt_osc =  800000; break;
315     case 3:  wdt_osc = 1100000; break;
316     case 4:  wdt_osc = 1400000; break;
317     case 5:  wdt_osc = 1600000; break;
318     case 6:  wdt_osc = 1800000; break;
319     case 7:  wdt_osc = 2000000; break;
320     case 8:  wdt_osc = 2200000; break;
321     case 9:  wdt_osc = 2400000; break;
322     case 10: wdt_osc = 2600000; break;
323     case 11: wdt_osc = 2700000; break;
324     case 12: wdt_osc = 2900000; break;
325     case 13: wdt_osc = 3100000; break;
326     case 14: wdt_osc = 3200000; break;
327     case 15: wdt_osc = 3400000; break;
328   }
329   wdt_osc /= ((LPC_SYSCTL->WDTOSCCTRL & 0x1F) << 1) + 2;
331   switch (LPC_SYSCTL->MAINCLKSEL & 0x03) {
332     case 0:                             /* Internal RC oscillator             */
333       SystemCoreClock = __IRC_OSC_CLK;

334       break;
335     case 1:                             /* Input Clock to System PLL          */
336       switch (LPC_SYSCTL->SYSPLLCLKSEL & 0x03) {
337           case 0:                       /* Internal RC oscillator             */
338             SystemCoreClock = __IRC_OSC_CLK;
339             break;
340           case 1:                       /* System oscillator                  */
341             SystemCoreClock = __SYS_OSC_CLK;
342             break;
343           case 2:                       /* Reserved                           */
344           case 3:                       /* Reserved                           */
345             SystemCoreClock = 0;
346             break;
347       }
348       break;
349     case 2:                             /* WDT Oscillator                     */
350       SystemCoreClock = wdt_osc;
351       break;
352     case 3:                             /* System PLL Clock Out               */
353       switch (LPC_SYSCTL->SYSPLLCLKSEL & 0x03) {
354           case 0:                       /* Internal RC oscillator             */
355             if (LPC_SYSCTL->SYSPLLCTRL & 0x180) {
356               SystemCoreClock = __IRC_OSC_CLK;
357             } else {
358               SystemCoreClock = __IRC_OSC_CLK * ((LPC_SYSCTL->SYSPLLCTRL & 0x01F) + 1);
359             }
360             break;
361           case 1:                       /* System oscillator                  */
362             if (LPC_SYSCTL->SYSPLLCTRL & 0x180) {
363               SystemCoreClock = __SYS_OSC_CLK;
364             } else {
365               SystemCoreClock = __SYS_OSC_CLK * ((LPC_SYSCTL->SYSPLLCTRL & 0x01F) + 1);
366             }
367             break;
368           case 2:                       /* Reserved                           */
369           case 3:                       /* Reserved                           */
370             SystemCoreClock = 0;
371             break;
372       }
373       break;
374   }
376   SystemCoreClock /= LPC_SYSCTL->SYSAHBCLKDIV;
378 }

These routines are completely different. What does a trace in IAR reveal about which project source files' code is executing during start up? . . . it is the second source file mentioned here, file system_LPC11Uxx.c.

^ Related Tools, Resources and References

Modbus data packet structure:

Search string "FreeModbus configure UART lpc microcontroller":

Good explanation of Modbus coils and discrete inputs, syntax for reading n coil values:

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